On 30 September 1997, the ABS published Information Paper: Implementation of Revised International Standards in the Australian National Accounts (Cat. no. 5251.0) detailing the implementation of the System of National Accounts, 1993 (SNA93) in the Australian national accounts (ANA).
On 23 December 1998 the ABS will release the September quarter 1998 issue of Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts (Cat. no. 5232.0), which will contain data compiled and presented in accordance with the SNA93 standards. A number of changes to the format and content of Cat. no. 5232.0 will also be introduced at that time.
To help users prepare for the changes in definitions and presentation of these statistics, this information paper contains, in the Appendix, the financial accounts data up to the June quarter 1998 compiled and presented on the new basis.
To assist understanding of the changes, the source data used in this information paper is the same as used to compile the June quarter 1998 financial accounts and are consistent with the national accounts data published in Information Paper: Upgraded Australian National Accounts, 1998 (Cat. no. 5253.0) published in November 1998.
This information paper also details the impact of the changes on the more significant components of the ANA, and notes the availability of comprehensive data by way of electronic data services.