Table 1. Australian Supply Table – Supply by Product Group by Industry
This table shows Australian production at basic prices by Input–Output Product Group (IOPG) and by Input–Output Industry Group (IOIG). A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group.
For example, the row representing the product group Other agriculture shows that $168m of this product was produced by Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $14,286m of this product was produced by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $14,455m of this product being produced by all industries.
The column representing the industry group Other agriculture shows that $163m of Agriculture, forestry and fishing support services were produced by this industry, $93m of Meat and meat products manufacturing were produced by this industry and so on resulting in a total of $14,769m of various products being produced by the Other agriculture industry.
Table 2. Use Table – Input by Industry and Final Use Category and Supply by Product Group
This table shows intermediate use by using industries (IOIG) and final use by final use categories of goods and services (IOPG) at basic prices with indirect allocation of imports. See the Glossary for an explanation of indirect allocation of imports.
A row in the first quadrant of this table represents a product group. A row in the second quadrant represents either a primary input, Australian production, total uses, gross value added or gross domestic product. A column in this table represents either an industry group, a final use or total use category. In a balanced table, total use equals total supply. Hence the column that represents the total use (last column in the table) is termed total supply.
For example, the row representing the product group Other agriculture shows that $858m of domestic plus imported Other agriculture was used by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $856m of domestic plus imported Other agriculture was used by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $8,583m of domestic plus imported product being used intermediately by all the industries.
In the final use categories, $5,311m of domestic plus imported Other agriculture was used by the Household sector, $224m of domestic plus imported product was used to increase Inventories and $843m of domestic plus imported product was used in Exports (including re–exports). In total $6,821m of domestic plus imported Other agriculture was used by all final use categories.
In summary $8,583m of domestic plus imported Other agriculture was used intermediately by industries and $6,821m of domestic plus imported product was used by final use categories resulting in a total use of $15,404m of this product. Therefore, total supply of this product should be $15,404m which is reflected in the last column of this table.
Table 3. Imports – Supply by Product Group and Inputs by Industry and Final Use category
This table shows intermediate use by using industries (IOIG) and final use by final use categories of imported goods and services at basic prices.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, the row representing the product group Other agriculture shows that $6m of imported Other agriculture was used by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $55m of imports of this product were used by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $619m of this imported product being used intermediately by all the industries.
In the final use categories, $322m of imported Other agriculture was used by the Household sector and $4m of imports of this product were used to increase Inventories, resulting in a total of $330m of imports of this product being used by all final use categories.
Table 4. Reconciliation of Flows at Basic Prices and at Purchasers' Prices by Product Group
This table shows flows at purchasers' prices reconciled with basic prices. Trade and transport margins, and net taxes on products are added to basic prices to derive purchasers' prices for intermediate and all final use categories and for total supply. Imports are indirectly allocated in this table.
A row in the first quadrant of this table represents a product group. A row in the second quadrant represents either a primary input, Australian production, total uses, gross value added or gross domestic product.
For example, the row representing the product group Other agriculture shows that domestic plus imported Other agriculture valued at $8,583m at basic prices was used by industries intermediately. Net taxes on products and Trade and transport margins associated with this intermediate use were $67m and $3,075m respectively. Therefore, domestic plus imported Other agriculture used intermediately by all the industries was $11,724m valued at purchasers' prices.
Table 5. Industry by Industry Flow Table (Direct Allocation of Imports)
This table shows the allocation of Australian produced industry outputs to industries and to all final use categories. This table is similar to Table 2, however it has industry by industry dimensions and imports are treated differently in comparison. In this table imports are directly allocated meaning they are allocated to the industries which use them and are included with the primary inputs to these industries in deriving the total production. With this method the intermediate and final use contain only the use of the domestic production and so the intermediate use matrix does not reflect the full input structure of industries.
A row in Quadrants 1 and 2, or a column in Quadrants 1 and 3 of this table represents an industry group. A row in Quadrants 3 and 4 represents a primary input, Australian production or value added. A column in Quadrants 2 and 4 represents a final use category.
For example, the row representing the industry group Other agriculture shows that $790m of output from the industry Other agriculture was used by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $881m of output from this industry was used by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $8,144m of output produced by the Other agriculture industry being used by all industries intermediately.
In the final use categories, $5,026m of output produced by the Other agriculture industry was used by the Household sector, $3m was used by the Government sector and so on resulting in a total of $6,625m of output from the Other agriculture industry being used by all final use categories.
Table 6. Direct requirements Coefficients (Direct Allocation of Imports)
This table shows values in a particular column representing the direct input requirements from each industry (Australian production) and from all primary inputs when Australian output of the industry or final use category, represented by the column, increases by $100.
A row in Quadrants 1 and 2, or a column in Quadrants 1 and 3 of this table represents an industry group. A row in Quadrants 3 and 4 represents a primary input or Australian production. A column in Quadrants 2 and 4 represents a final use category.
For example, the column representing the industry Other agriculture shows that this industry requires $1.54 of output from the Sheep, grains, dairy and beef cattle industry, $0.66 of output from the Poultry and other livestock industry and so on resulting in total requirements of $52.45 output from all industries, $12.66 of Compensation of employees; $26.98 of Gross operating surplus & gross mixed income and so on to produce $100 of output.
Table 7. Total requirements Coefficients (Direct Allocation of Imports)
This table shows values in a particular column representing the total input requirements of Australian production from each industry represented by a row, by the industry represented by that column when the Australian output of the industry increases by $100.
A row or column in this table represents an industry group.
The values in Table 6 represent the direct requirements coefficients for each industry when its output is increased by $100. When an industry increases its output, apart from the direct requirements from the industries, there are also indirect requirements from the industries. The values in Table 7 represent the total requirements (i.e. initial + direct +indirect requirements) from all the industries when each industry's output is increased by $100. Another important difference between Tables 6 and 7 is that Table 7 is a square matrix whereas Table 6 is not. Because the initial effect is $100 for each industry, the total requirements coefficients in the top left to bottom right diagonal of this square table will be greater than or equal to 100.
For example the column representing the industry Other agriculture shows that the total requirements by this industry from the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry is $2.41 of output, $0.87 of output is required from the Poultry and other Livestock industry and so on in order to increase its output by $100.
Table 8. Industry by Industry Flow Table (Indirect Allocation of Imports)
This table is similar to Table 5 however it describes the allocation of goods and services, inclusive of imports, from industry to industry and to all final use categories. That is, in Table 5, imports are directly allocated to the industries which use then and are included with the primary inputs to these industries deriving the total production. Where as, in this table imports are indirectly allocated and are included in the intermediate use of industries and in final use categories without distinguishing the imports from the products with which they compete allowing the intermediate use matrix to fully reflect the input structures of industries.
A row in Quadrants 1 and 2, or a column in Quadrants 1 and 3 of this table represents an industry group. A row in Quadrants 3 and 4 represents a primary input or Australian production. A column in Quadrants 2 and 4 represents a final use category.
For example, the row representing the industry group Other agriculture shows that the supply of $796m from this industry was used by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, the supply of $933m from this industry was used by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total supply of $8,763m from the industry Other agriculture being used by all the industries intermediately.
In the final use categories, the supply of $5,348m from the Other agriculture industry was used by the Household sector, $3m from this industry was used by the Government sector and so on resulting in a total supply of $6,955m from the industry Other agriculture being used by all the final use categories.
Table 9. Direct requirements Coefficients (Indirect Allocation of Imports)
This table is similar to Table 6 however the values in this table include imports where as values within Table 6 do not. The values in a particular column of this table represent the direct requirements of supply from the industry represented by the row, when the Australian output of the industry represented by the column increases by $100.
A row in Quadrants 1 and 2, or a column in Quadrants 1 and 3 of this table represents an industry group. A row in Quadrants 3 and 4 represents a primary input or Australian production. A column in Quadrants 2 and 4 represents a final use category.
For example, the column representing the industry Other agriculture shows that this industry directly requires $1.58 of supply from the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $0.74 of supply from the Poultry and other livestock industry and so on resulting in the requirements of a total supply of $57.95 to produce $100 of output.
To produce $100 of output the Other agriculture industry directly requires $12.66 of Compensation of Employees, $26.98 of Gross operating surplus & gross mixed income and so on.
Table 10. Total requirements Coefficients (Indirect Allocation of Imports)
This is similar to Table 7 however the values in this table include imports whereas in Table 7 they do not. The values in a particular column of this table represent the total supply requirements from the industry represented by the row, when the Australian output of the industry represented by the column increases by $100.
A row or column in this table represents an industry group.
The values in Table 10 represent the direct requirements coefficients for each industry when its output is increased by $100. When an industry increases its output, apart from the direct requirements from the industries, there are also indirect requirements from the industries. The values in Table 10 represent the total requirements (i.e. initial + direct +indirect requirements) from all the industries when each industry's output is increased by $100. Another important difference between Tables 9 and 10 is that Table 10 is a square matrix whereas Table 9 is not. As the initial effect is $100 for each industry, the total requirements coefficients in the top left to bottom right diagonal of this square table will be greater than or equal to 100.
For example the column representing the industry Other agriculture shows that the total requirements by this industry from the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry is $2.69 of output and imports, $1.01 of output and imports from the Poultry and other livestock industry and so on to increase its output by $100.
Table 17. Primary Input Content (Total requirements) per $100 of Final Use by Industry
This table shows values in a particular row representing the requirements of Compensation of employees, Gross operating surplus and mixed income, Taxes less subsidies on products, Other taxes less subsidies on production and Imports by the industry represented by that row, when that industry uses a total of $100 of these primary inputs in the production process.
This takes into account the total output requirements (that is initial+direct+indirect effects) from all industries, by an industry, when this industry increases its output.
For example, $100 of total use of primary inputs by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry comprises of $29.05 of Compensation of employees, $55.10 of Gross operating surplus and mixed income, $1.99 of Taxes less subsidies on products, $3.25 of Other taxes less subsidies on production and $10.62 of Imports.
Table 19. Specialisation and Coverage Ratios by Industry
The first column in this table shows the specialisation ratios for an industry. An industry may produce a number of products, some of which may be primary to that industry and some of which may be primary to other industries. The specialisation ratio shows the proportion of an industry's output that is primary to that industry.
For example, 94.8% of output of the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry is attributed to the output primary to this industry, 96.7% of the output of the Other agriculture industry is attributed to the output primary to this industry and so on.
The second column in this table shows the coverage ratios for a product. A product may be supplied by more than one industry. The coverage ratio shows what proportion of the total domestic supply of a product is produced by the industry to which the product is primary.
For example, the entire Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle product is produced by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry to which the product is primary, 98.8% of Other agriculture is produced by the Other agriculture industry to which the product is primary and so on.
Table 20. Employment by Industry
This table is compiled from data collected in the Labour Force Survey. The scope of this survey excludes members of the permanent defence forces, some diplomatic personnel, overseas residents in Australia and members of non-Australian defence forces stationed in Australia. Table 20 in the 2005-06 and 2006-07 releases of 5209.0.55.0001 has been adjusted to include permanent defence force personnel which should have been included in the original release, and are being re-released in conjunction with the 2006-07 release of 5215.0.55.001 on 30 March 2011.
This table shows the number of employees and employed persons in each industry. An employed person is described as either an employee, an employer, an own account worker or a contributing family worker. The number of employees and employed persons are shown on a full time, part time and full time equivalent basis.
The employees and employed persons data is based on Labour force data taken from ABS Catalogue Number 6291.0.55.003. For further information regarding the scope, coverage and reliability of these estimates please see
For example, there were 51,231 full time and 12,493 part time employees, which equates to 57,477 full time equivalent employees in the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry. During the same period there were 132,497 full time and 44,460 part time employed persons, which equates to 154,727 full time equivalent employed persons in that industry.
Table 21. Composition of Supply of Products Containing Margins
This table shows the composition of margin and non–margin commodities in the supply of relevant products.
For example, the total Gas Supply was $3,197m of which the entire supply was margin commodity. Of the total supply of $101,553m Wholesale Trade, $99,342m was margin commodity and $2,211m was non–margin commodity.
Table 23. Wholesale Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the wholesale margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $45m of wholesale margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $166m of wholesale margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $1,540m of wholesale margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $1,049m of wholesale margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $1,335m of wholesale margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the final use categories.
Table 24. Retail Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the retail margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $23m of retail margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Other agriculture industry, and so on resulting in a total of $119m of retail margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $4,274m of retail margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $4,333m of retail margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the final use categories.
Table 25. Restaurants, Hotels and Clubs Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the restaurants, hotels and clubs margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $138m of restaurants, hotels and clubs margin is associated with the supply of Sugar and confectionary manufacturing to the Household sector, $137m of restaurants, hotels and clubs margin is associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing to the Household sector and so on resulting in a total of $2,935m of restaurants, hotels and clubs margin being associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to the Household sector.
Table 26. Road Transport Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the road transport margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $121m of road transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $147m of road transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $1,325m of road transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $1,329m of road transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $1,700m of road transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the final use categories.
Table 27. Rail Transport Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the rail transport margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $2m of rail transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $2m of rail transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $43m rail transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $46m of rail transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $55m of rail transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the final use categories.
Table 28. Pipeline Transport Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the pipeline transport margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $3m of pipeline transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $2m of pipeline transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $1,132m of pipeline transport margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $79m of pipeline transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $79m of pipeline transport margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the final use categories.
Table 29. Water Transport Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the water transport margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $163m of water transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Petroleum and coal product manufacturing industry, $38m of water transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Wholesale trade industry and so on resulting in a total of $205m of water transport margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $1m of water transport margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $65m of water transport margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the final use categories.
Table 30. Air Transport Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the air transport margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $1m of air transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $2m of air transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $28m of air transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $31m of air transport margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $39m of air transport margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the final use categories.
Table 31. Port Handling Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the port handling margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $12m of port handling margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Petroleum and coal product manufacturing industry, $1m of port handling margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to the Electricity generation industry and so on resulting in a total of $21m of port handling margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $8m of port handling margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to Exports for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $8m of port handling margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction products to all the final use categories.
Table 32. Marine Insurance Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the marine insurance margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $1m of marine insurance margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $1m of marine insurance margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $15m of marine insurance margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $16m of marine insurance margin is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $19m of marine insurance margin being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the final use categories.
Table 33. Gas Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the gas margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories. In this case the supplied products are entirely in the product group Oil and gas extraction.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $7m of gas margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $5m of gas margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $2,989m of gas margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $208m of gas margin is associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $208m of gas margin being associated with the supply of Oil and gas extraction to all final use categories.
Table 34. Electricity Margin on Supply by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the electricity margin associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories. In this case the supplied products are entirely in the product group Electricity generation.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $40m of electricity margin is associated with the supply of Electricity generation products to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $30m of electricity margin is associated with the supply of Electricity generation products to the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total of $8,053m of electricity margin being associated with the supply of Electricity generation products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $3,461m of electricity margin is associated with the supply of Electricity generation products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $3,486m of electricity margin being associated with the supply of Electricity generation products to all the final use categories.
Table 35. Net Taxes on Products by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the net taxes, that is taxes less subsidies, associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $4m of net taxes is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Other agriculture industry, $7m of net taxes is associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Agriculture, forestry and fishing support services industry and so on resulting in a total of $67m of net taxes being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $99m of net taxes are associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $121m of net taxes being associated with the supply of Other agriculture products to all the final use categories.
Table 36. Goods and Services Tax on Products by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the Goods and Services Tax (GST) associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $143m of GST is associated with the supply of Professional, scientific and technical services to the Finance industry, $37m of GST is associated with the supply of Professional, scientific and technical services to the Insurance and superannuation funds industry and so on resulting in a total of $253m of GST being associated with the supply of Professional, scientific and technical services to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $399m of GST is associated with the supply of Professional, scientific and technical services to the Household sector for final consumption and so on resulting in a total of $486m of GST being associated with the supply of Professional, scientific and technical services to all the final use categories.
Table 37. Duty on Products by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows the duty (excise, imports duty etc.) associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $2m of duty is associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing products to the Dairy product manufacturing industry, $2m of duty is associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing products to the Fruit and vegetable product manufacturing industry and so on, resulting in a total of $15m of duty being associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing products to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $9m of duty is associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing products to the Household sector for final consumption and so on, resulting in a total of $9m of duty being associated with the supply of Other food product manufacturing products to all the final use categories.
Table 38. Taxes on Products NEI by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows taxes not elsewhere identified (nei) associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $4m of taxes nei on products are associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Other agriculture industry, $7m of taxes nei on products are associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Agriculture, forestry and fishing support services industry and so on, resulting in a total of $64m of taxes nei on products being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $45m of taxes nei on products are associated with the supply of Other agriculture to the Household sector for final consumption and so on, resulting in a total of $47m of taxes nei on products being associated with the supply of Other agriculture to all the final use categories.
Table 39. Subsidies on Products by Product Group by Using Industry and Final Use category
This table shows subsidies associated with the supply of domestic and imported products to intermediate usage and final use categories. By convention subsidies are shown as negative values in the table.
A row in this table represents a product group and a column represents an industry group or final use category.
For example, $147m of subsidies are associated with the supply of Petroleum and coal product manufacturing to the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, $188m of subsidies are associated with the supply of Petroleum and coal product manufacturing to the Other agriculture industry and so on, resulting in a total of $4,517m of subsidies being associated with the supply of Petroleum and coal product manufacturing to all the industries for intermediate use.
In the final use categories, $146m of subsidies are associated with the supply of Petroleum and coal product manufacturing to the Household sector for final consumption and so on, resulting in a total of $352m of subsidies being associated with the supply of Petroleum and coal product manufacturing to all the final use categories.
Table 40. Industry and Product Concordances
This table shows the concordance (mapping) between Input Output Industry Groups (IOIG) and Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC06). The table also shows the concordance between the 2005 and 2009 IOIG's and also the 2005 and 2009 IOPC's.
In the IOIG to ANZIC06 table, IOIG codes are shown in column A and IOIG descriptors are shown in column B of the table.
ANZSIC codes are shown in column C and ANZSIC descriptors are shown in column D. The ANZSIC codes shown in this table are ANZSIC Class codes.
For example, IOIG 0101, that is the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry is mapped to ANZSIC codes 0141 (Sheep Farming (specialised)), 0142 (Beef Cattle Farming (specialised)), 0143 (Beef Cattle feedlots (specialised)), 0144 (Sheep–Beef Cattle Farming), 0145 (Grain–Sheep or Grain–Beef Farming), 0146 (Rice Growing), 0149 (Other Grain Growing) and 0160 (Dairy Cattle Farming).
IOIG(2005) to IOIG (2009)
In the IOIG(2005) to IOIG(2009) table, the 2005 IOIG codes are shown in column A with the 2005 IOIG descriptors in column B, the 2009 IOIG codes are in column C with the 2009 IOIG descriptors shown in column E. Column D indicates whether a 2005 IOIG is mapped partially to a 2009 IOIG and is indicated by a 'P' in the column.
For example, the 2005 IOIG 0102(Grains) is mapped partially to the 2009 IOIG's 0101 (Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle) and 0103 (Other agriculture).
IOPC(2005) to IOPC (2009)
The IOPC (2005) to IOPC (2009) table shows the 2005 IOPC code in column A with the 2005 IOPC descriptor shown in column B. Column C shows the 2009 IOPC code with the 2009 IOPC descriptor in column E. Column E indicates whether a 2005 IOPC is mapped partially to a 2009 IOPC and is indicated by a 'P' in the column.
For example, the 2005 IOPC 01110010 (Plant nurseries (incl turf)) is mapped partially to the 2009 IOPCs 01110010 (Plants grown undercover), 01120010 (Plants grown outdoors) and 01130010 (Turf).