The data for this chapter is sourced directly from Victorian Police figures. The counts provided in the tables below relate to recorded offences, not offenders. Therefore, multiple offences committed by the same perpetrator are counted as separate incidents. Also, offences are recorded against the LGA in which they were committed rather than the offenders' usual place of residence. Figures must be used with caution as not all offences might be reported to the police.
Victoria recorded 376,200 crime offences during the 2006-07 financial year, an increase of 3,176 (0.9%) from the previous financial year. The majority (74.7%) of offences recorded in 2006-07 occurred against property.
Statistical Division level rates were calculated using estimated resident population as at 30 June 2006. These rates show that Melbourne Statistical Division recorded the highest crime rate of 7,807 per 100,000 population followed by Gippsland (7,523) and Central Highlands (7,148). The lowest rate was recorded in Western District (5,589) followed by Loddon (5,648) and Barwon (5,706).
RECORDED CRIME OFFENCES, By Statistical Division
- 2006-07

The majority (76.5%) of offences in 2006-07 occurred in Melbourne Statistical Division (MSD). Within MSD, the highest rate of 45,725 offences per 100,000 population was recorded in Melbourne LGA followed by Yarra (18,188) and Port Phillip (13,438). Nillumbik LGA recorded the lowest rate of 2,755 followed by Manningham (3,138) and Yarra Ranges (4,335).
In Balance of Victoria (BoV), Latrobe LGA recorded the highest rate of offences (10,866) followed by Swan Hill (8,621) and Ballarat (8,515). The lowest rate of offences was recorded in Golden Plains (1,617) followed by West Wimmera (1,937) and Indigo (2,822).
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet (zipped): 1367.2 Table 6, Recorded Crime Offences, By Local Government Area (27kB).