The final round of user consultations is about to commence. In the last week of July, all Census Update readers will be sent a copy of the Information Paper: Proposed Products and Services, an additional supplement, and an accompanying questionnaire.
I would ask that everyone please take the time to read the Information Paper and supplement, as well as completing the questionnaire. The questionnaire can again be completed on-line, or in hardcopy if you prefer. It is extremely important that we obtain as many views as possible so as to ensure that the 2001 Census product suite is as relevant to your needs as possible.
In this edition, we are happy to preview the new logo to be used for the 2001 Census. We hope you like it as much as we do.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who recently updated their address details, or wanted to be part of the census email alert list. If you haven't had the chance as yet to register your interest in receiving census information electronically, then refer to the section "Census email alert list" in the article Dissemination.
Katherine Lee
Census Update Editor