Desired outcomes:
- The ABS has a capable, productive and diverse workforce
- Males and females are represented in Senior Management Forums and across Resource Centres at senior levels
Key Deliverables | Measures and Targets | Timeline | Accountability |
4.1 The Gender Diversity Working Group (GDWG) is established, to develop, implement and review the GDAP. | 4.1.1 the GDWG is established and terms of reference are agreed. | Established | Australian Statistician |
4.1.2 The GDWG oversees the successful implementation of the GDAP. | Ongoing | Chief Operating Officer |
4.1.3 The GDWG reviews the success of the GDAP. | November 2017 | Chief Operating Officer |
4.2 SES awareness of the potential for unconscious bias increases. | 4.2.1 All SES attend or view an unconscious bias seminar. | By March 2015 | Director, Workforce Strategies Section |
4.2.2 Appropriate material on unconscious bias is provided to all SES and non-SES selection panel members. | By March 2015 | Director, National Recruitment Unit |
4.3 External speakers present to ABS staff with an initial focus on career pathways and/ or career challenges in the APS. | 4.3.1 At least two external speakers are invited to present to ABS staff at the ABS each year, with at least one being a woman. | Reported annually | Assistant Statistician, Office of the Statistician and External Engagement |
4.4 Males and females are represented in senior management forums. | 4.4.1 The following Senior Management forums report on gender representation:
- ELG (Executive Leadership Group)
- SMG (Senior Management Group)
- ASAC (Australian Statistics Advisory Council)
- SFIC (Strategic Finance and Investment Committee)
- NISLB (National and International Statistical Leadership Board)
| Reported annually | Australian Statistician
(reporting by Planning and Governance Section) |
4.5 Rotation and placement committees for EL2s and above actively consider the diversity of the leadership group in their decision making. | 4.5.1 ELG KPIs related to 7.1 Positive pipelines for future SES B2 and SES B1 vacancies and effective talent management of the SES B1 and EL2 cohort include gender data as appropriate. | From September 2014 | Chairs of selection and placement committees
(reporting by Workforce Strategies Section) |