To view details of the migrant related data items included in ABS products, click on the Migrant Data Matrices data cube link in either the left hand navigation pane or in the topic page of your choice (e.g. Population Characteristics).
Migrant Data Matrices Data Cube
The Migrant Data Matrices data cube shows which migrant related data items are available for each of the source products (ABS surveys). The Migrant Data Matrices data cube is presented in a number of formats; alphabetically, by survey reference year and for each topic. Each source product data cube is represented by a Product name (i.e. column headers). If data is available for a migrant related data item a 'yes' appears in the corresponding row of that data item in the column.
Whilst in the Migrant Data Matrices data cube, you simply click on the Product name (i.e. column headers) to go to the data cube of your choice.
Matrices by Topic
ABS products are grouped by topic and may appear under more than one topic heading. There are nine topic groups: Population Characteristics; Labour; Family and Community; Health; Education and Training; Housing; Personal and Household Finances; Culture and Leisure and Crime and Justice.
To obtain detailed information on the contents of any of the nine topic groups, simply click on the topic in the Contents page or on the left hand navigation pane.
Once you have selected a topic of interest, the following links will assist you in using the Matrices.
To obtain summary data on migrants
To view the Main Features for each ABS product
To view further information on the ABS data collections
To view definitions of migrant related data items
To obtain summary data on migrants
For each ABS product, data are available for the migrant related data items (i.e. table rows) that have a ('yes') in the corresponding row. For example, the first 'yes' in the matrix below indicates that data are available on Country of Birth (person) from the Births 2009 and the Census of Population and Housing 2006. Data are also available for the other migrant related data items where 'yes' appears in the column.
To access a data cube for a selected ABS product, simply go down to the bottom of the page to the section containing the links to data cubes and the 'Main Features for Source Product'. For each product a link to the data cube and a link to the Main Features of the product is available. To open a data cube, simply click on the heading and select either Open or Save in the dialogue box.
Please note that although data items may have been collected in an ABS product (indicated by 'yes' in the matrix), data may not be available in the data cube due to issues such as sample size and confidentiality. This will be indicated in the data cube with a cell comment indicating 'not for publication'.
Where '-' appears in the matrix, the data item was either not collected in that product or, in some cases, is available only upon request.
To return to the topic from this screen, click on the back arrow.
 | Births 2009 | Census of Population and Housing 2006 |
Country of birth (person) | yes | yes |
Country of birth (mother) | yes | yes |
Country of birth (father) | yes | yes |
Country of birth (parents) | - | - |
Country of last residence | - | - |
Duration of residence | - | - |
Year of arrival in Australia | - | yes |
Age on arrival in Australia | - | - |
Proficiency in spoken English | - | yes |
First language spoken as a child | - | - |
Main language other than English spoken at home | - | yes |
Main language spoken at home | - | - |
Languages spoken at home | - | - |
Australian citizenship | - | yes |
Ancestry | - | yes |
Religious affiliation | - | yes |
Visa category | - | - |
Selected demographic characteristics | yes | yes |
Selected geographic characteristics | - | yes |
Selected work and education characteristics | - | yes |
Selected economic characteristics | - | yes |
To view the Main Features for each ABS product
To view the Main Features for any of the selected ABS products, simply go down the bottom of the page to the section containing the links to data cubes and the 'Main Features for Source Product'. For each product a link is provided. Clicking on this link will take you to the Main Features of the selected publication.
To return to the topic from this screen, click on the back arrow.
To view further information on the ABS data collections
The Matrices present a comprehensive range of data from selected ABS collections. Care must be taken in comparing data from different collections presented in the Matrices due to differences in survey methodology, definitions and reference periods.
To view detailed information on each collection, simply click on the link
Guide to Migrant Statistical Sources (cat. no. 3414.0) located on the Contents page. This Guide contains an overview of the collection, including its aim, purpose, broad details of the data items collected and relevance to migrants. To align this search to your topic of interest (e.g. Crime and Justice), simply click on the relevant topic link in the Guide i.e. Crime and Justice.
Additional information relating to collection methodology, scope, publications and other outputs, and a full range of data items for each of the ABS collections is available in the
Directory of Statistical Sources.
To return to the topic from this screen, click on the back arrow.
To view definitions of migrant related data items
To view definitions of any of the migrant related data items listed in the matrices, simply click on the link to the
Glossary of migrant related data items on the Contents page or view the Explanatory Notes tab. This glossary also contains definitions of other migrant related data items represented in the tables however, it is recommended that you refer to the specific glossary of each individual collection for an accurate description of the relevant data item within that collection.
To return to the topic from this screen, click on the back arrow.