4364.0.55.002 - Australian Health Survey: Health Service Usage and Health Related Actions, 2011-12  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/03/2013  First Issue
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Contents >> Health actions taken for specific long-term health conditions

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People with long-term health conditions often manage their conditions through healthy lifestyles, medical consultations, treatments and use of medications.

This chapter reviews actions taken by people for specific long-term health conditions. Respondents with particular conditions were asked questions about how they treat and manage their condition(s) through a variety of actions such as consultations with health professionals, use of medical facilities, medication use and lifestyle behaviours. Information on participation in preventive programs such as screening for cancer was also collected.

The specific conditions for which actions information was collected were:
  • arthritis;
  • asthma;
  • cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • mental and behavioural conditions; and
  • osteoporosis.


Consultations with health professionals

The actions taken for the management and treatment of a long-term health condition vary depending upon the condition. Some conditions require closer, more regular monitoring while other conditions, once properly managed, require little or less regular monitoring. In 2011-12, the proportion of people who had consultations with health professionals in the last 12 months differed across conditions.

People with some long-term health conditions were more likely to consult GPs, specialists and other health professionals for their condition. Proportionally more people with diabetes had consulted a GP in the last 12 months for their condition (87.5%) than people with any other long-term health conditions, followed by people with cancer (71.5%).

Similarly, proportionally more people with diabetes had consulted an other type of health professional in the last 12 months (39.7%) compared with all other long-term health conditions (which ranged between 7.1% and 29.3%).

People with cancer were the most likely to have consulted a specialist for their condition in the last 12 months (75.4%), followed by those with kidney disease (52.8%).

Graph Image for Proportion of persons who consulted a health professional for their condition in last 12 months, 2011-12

Days off work or study/school

Some people who were currently employed or studying/at school had to take time off work or study/school in the last 12 months due to their long-term health condition. The proportion of people who had to take time off varied between conditions.

Proportionally, people with a mental or behavioural condition were the most likely to have had time off from their work or study/school in the last 12 months due to their condition (31.2%), followed closely by people with cancer (30.9%).

Graph Image for Proportion of persons who had time off work, school or study due to their condition in last 12 months, 2011-12(a)

Footnote(s): (a) Proportions based on total persons employed, studying/at school.

Source(s): Australian Health Survey: Health Service Usage and Health Related Actions

This section contains the following subsection :
      Diabetes mellitus
      Diseases of the circulatory system
      Kidney disease
      Mental and behavioural conditions

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