This is the first of four issues of Australian Social Trends for 2009. This publication is now available quarterly after being issued annually from 1994 to 2008. The March 2009 issue features articles about Australia's ageing population, including future population trends, retirement and superannuation. There are eight articles in all, covering these and a range of other topics such as marriage and partnering, mental health and renewable energy.
Australian Social Trends will continue to be based on the ABS Wellbeing Framework and in the course of a year, articles will cover a wide range of areas of social concern such as: population, family and community, health, education and training, work, economic resources, housing, crime and justice, culture and leisure, environment, religion, transport and communication. The spreadsheets of key statistics will be updated on a rolling basis, with updates to the population spreadsheets, and the education and training spreadsheets planned for the next issue in June 2009.
The entire set of Australian Social Trends articles published since 1994 is available via the 'All articles' link on the left-hand navigator bar.