4655.0 - Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2019 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/07/2019   
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The 2019 edition of Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts (AEEA) is the sixth release of this publication. It brings together all ABS environmental accounts into one place to create a broad and cohesive picture of environmental stocks and flows of relevance to the Australian socio-economy. This publication responds to the growing demand for integrated environmental-economic information and reflects a growing maturity within the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) environmental statistics program.

Note that different time series lengths exist for different elements of these accounts. This reflects the presently developmental nature of ABS environmental-economic accounts.

This product is produced in Electronic Delivery format on a Annual basis.
Issue Details

Latest Issue: 2019

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