In June 2010, the balance of international merchandise trade (i.e. the value of exports less the value of imports) for Victoria was a deficit of $3,036m. The value of the state's merchandise exports were $1,639m, while merchandise imports totalled $4,675m. Compared with June 2009, Victoria's trade deficit in June 2010 was $621m (25.7%) higher, with a rise in the value of exports (up $217m, or 15.3%) being offset by a larger rise in the value of imports (up $838m, or 21.8%). Victoria recorded an average monthly trade deficit of $2,891m for the 12 months ending June 2010.
At the national level, the value of imports was 14.1% higher in June 2010 compared with June 2009, while the value of exports (including re-exports) was 36.5% higher over the same period.
Balance of international merchandise trade(a)

In 2009-10, Victoria's trade deficit was $34,693m, a decrease of $1,389m (3.8%) over the previous financial year. The state's exports and imports decreased by $1,937m (9.5%) and $3,326m (5.9%) respectively.
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