3302.0 - Deaths, Australia, 2013 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/11/2014   
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Australian Bureau of Statistics, Births, Australia cat. no. 3301.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Causes of Death, Australia cat. no. 3303.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Perinatal Deaths, Australia cat. no. 3304.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, various quarters, Australian Demographic Statistics cat. no. 3101.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, various years, Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), July 2011 cat. no. 1216.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008, Discussion Paper: Assessment of Methods for Developing Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006 cat. no. 3302.0.55.002, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009, Population Estimates: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2009 cat. no. 3228.0.55.001, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011, Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 cat. no. 1270.0.55.001, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011, Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2011 cat. no. 1269.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013, Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2010-2012 cat. no. 3302.0.55.003, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013, Australian Historical Population Statistics, 2014 cat. no. 3105.0.65.001, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013, Population Projections, Australia, 2012 (base) to 2101 cat. no. 3222.0, ABS, Canberra.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2014, Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001 to 2026 cat. no. 3238.0, ABS, Canberra.

Brass, W 1975, Methods for Estimating Fertility and Mortality from Limited and Defective Data, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill.

Chiang, CL, 1984, The Life Table and Its Applications, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc., Krieger Drive, Malabar, Florida.

Hodrick, Robert; Prescott, Edward C. (1977), Postwar U.S. Business Cycles : An Empirical Investigation, Journey of Money, Credit, and Banking, 20 (1) : 1-16.