1338.1 - NSW State and Regional Indicators, Dec 2009  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/01/2010   
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'000 thousand
'000 t thousand tonnes
$b billion (thousand million) dollars
$m million dollars
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ABSBR Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register
ACT Australian Capital Territory
ADVO Apprehended Domestic Violence Order
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIHW Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
ANZSIC06 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 Edition
ANZSIC93 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 1993 Edition
AODTS-NMDS Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set
APVO Apprehended Personal Violence Order
ASCO Australian Standard Classification of Occupations
ASGC Australian Standard Geographical Classification
ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
AWOTE average weekly ordinary time earnings
BOTPLS Bridging for Overseas-Trained Professionals Loan Scheme
cat. no. Catalogue number
CH4 methane
CO2 carbon dioxide
CO2 -e carbon dioxide equivalent
CRB collector record book
DIAC Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DVA Australian Government Department of Veterans Affairs
ERP estimated resident population
FTE full-time equivalent
Gg gigagram
GL gigalitre
GMR Greater MetropolitanRegion
GP General Medical Practitioner
GSP gross state product
GWh gigawatt hour
GWP global warming potential
ha hectare
hrs hours
HACC Home and Community Care, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
HECS Higher Education Contribution Scheme
HFC hydrofluorocarbon
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HOIST Health Outcomes Information Statistical Toolkit
ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision
ISCED International Standard Classification of Education
kg kilogram
kL kilolitre
km kilometre
km² square kilometre
LGA local government area
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
min minute
mL millilitre
mm millimetre
MCEETYA Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs
ML megalitre
MSR major statistical region
Mt million tonnes
n.e.i. not elsewhere included
nec not elsewhere classified
nfd not further defined
no. number
N2O nitrous oxide
NESB non-English speaking background
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NOM net overseas migration
NRM natural resource management
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
NZ New Zealand
ppm parts per million
PELS Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme
PJ petajoule
PNG Papua New Guinea
PSI principal source of income
Qld Queensland
REINSW Real Estate Institute of New South Wales
RPI regional pollution index
RSE relative standard error
SA South Australia
SAAP Supported Accommodation Assistance Program
SAR Special Administrative Region
SD statistical division
SES State Emergency Service
SSD statistical subdivision
Tas. Tasmania
TAFE Technical and Further Education
TJ terajoule
UK United Kingdom
USA United States of America
VET vocational education and training
Vic. Victoria
WA Western Australia
yrs years
°C degrees Celsius
µg/dL micrograms per decilitre