5302.0.15.001 - Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia -- Time Series on Floppy Disk, Dec 2004  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 01/03/2005   
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Provides long term detailed quarterly balance of payments tables on current, capital and financial transactions, including seasonally adjusted, trend and chain volume measures of the current account. It also provides a complete international investment position statement with details of the level of investment, investment flows and associated income. Information is also provided on Australia's foreign debt, exchange rates and analytical ratios.

See also 5364.0 and 5365.0, which explains international standards used.

This product is produced in Service format on a Quarterly basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: Sep 2000
Latest Issue: Dec 2004 was released on 01/03/2005

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