The ABS has introduced a number of changes as a result of the Review of the Australian Producer Price Indexes (PPIs) and International Trade Price Indexes (ITPIs). The outcome of the review of the PPIs and the ITPIs were set out in the Information Paper: Outcome of the Review of the Producer and International Trade Price Indexes, 2012 (cat. no. 6427.0.55.004), released on 6 March 2012.
This information paper summarises the implementation of the outcomes from the review such as: the principal purpose; the suite of the PPIs and ITPIs; terminology; and introduce the new weighting Producer Price Indexes weighting patterns (cat. no. 6427.0.55.006). Future changes to be implemented as a result of the review have also been summarised. The information paper also provides a mock–up of the revised format of the September quarter 2012 publication and downloadable spreadsheets to enable users to become familiar with them before the release date.
Changes to the PPIs and ITPIs mentioned in this information paper will be introduced from the September Quarter 2012.