|  | Mar Qtr 2015 to Jun Qtr 2015 | Jun Qtr 2014 to Jun Qtr 2015 |
 |  | % change | % change |
GDP (Chain volume measure) |  |  |
 | Trend | 0.5 | 2.2 |
 | Seasonally adjusted | 0.2 | 2.0 |
Final consumption expenditure (Chain volume measure) |  |  |
 | Trend | 0.7 | 2.8 |
 | Seasonally adjusted | 0.9 | 2.9 |
Gross fixed capital formation (Chain volume measure) |  |  |
 | Trend | 0.2 | -2.9 |
 | Seasonally adjusted | 0.4 | -3.3 |
GDP chain price index |  |  |
 | Original | -0.5 | -0.5 |
Terms of trade |  |  |
 | Seasonally adjusted | -3.4 | -10.6 |
Real net national disposable income |  |  |
 | Trend | -0.3 | -0.7 |
 | Seasonally adjusted | -0.9 | -1.1 |
GDP growth rates, Volume measures, quarterly change

| Contribution to GDP growth, Seasonally adjusted

- The June 2015 quarter national accounts show growth in the Australian economy slowing to 0.2% in seasonally adjusted chain volume terms.
- Reduced Mining and Construction activity, coupled with a decline in Exports were the main factors to the slowdown in economic growth. Positive contributions came from Domestic final demand, and the Financial, Transport and Health industries.
- Mining production fell significantly this quarter (-3.0%), although it is still positive through the year with growth at 2.1%. The decline in Mining production coincides with the fall in Exports. Net exports detracted 0.6 percentage points from GDP growth in the quarter, through the year they added 1.1 percentage points to GDP growth.
- This quarter continues to see the decline in mining related construction (Engineering construction -0.8%), which is reflected in the decline in Construction Gross value added (-0.6%).
- There was positive growth in Domestic final demand with Household final consumption growing 0.5% this quarter and 2.5% through the year. Government final consumption had growth of 2.2% for the quarter and 4.0% through the year. Public gross fixed capital formation was up 4.0% for the June 2015 quarter, but remains subdued through the year with growth at 0.4%.
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
September 2015 | 2 December 2015 |
December 2015 | 2 March 2016 |
March 2016 | 1 June 2016 |
June 2016 | 7 September 2016 |
There are revisions in this issue due to the incorporation of more up-to-date data and concurrent seasonal adjustment. Primary and secondary income series of the current account have been revised back to September 2011, these revisions will be reflected in National Accounts.
The annual chain volume measure estimates of Gross Value Added for Iron ore mining and Other mining previously published in
Australian System of National Accounts, 2013-14 (ABS cat. no. 5204.0) have been reviewed. New estimates have been produced and these will be incorporated into the annual Supply and Use tables and published in
Australian System of National Accounts, 2014-15 (ABS cat. no. 5204.0) on 30 October 2015. Users can request these preliminary estimates for analytical purposes prior to the publication.
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