Table 10A. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Males, Full Time Adult Ordinary Time Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728171L |
| Manufacturing | | A2718946W |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719021L |
| Construction | | A2734096L |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748196F |
| Retail trade | | A2722996W |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748271V |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719096F |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751721A |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723071L |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743246A |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719171V |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723146V |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719246A |
| Education and training | | A2743321R |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723221J |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734171A |
| Other services | | A2723296A |
| All industries | | A2734021V |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525544L |
| Manufacturing | | A3525526J |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525490T |
| Construction | | A3525580W |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525589T |
| Retail trade | | A3525571V |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525445F |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525463K |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525517F |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525472L |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525607K |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525508C |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525562T |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525553R |
| Education and training | | A3525454J |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525499L |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525436C |
| Other services | | A3525598V |
| All industries | | A3525481R |
Table 10B. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Males, Full Time Adult Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728174V |
| Manufacturing | | A2718949C |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719024V |
| Construction | | A2734099V |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748199L |
| Retail trade | | A2722999C |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748274A |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719099L |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751724J |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723074V |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743249J |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719174A |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723149A |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719249J |
| Education and training | | A2743324W |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723224R |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734174J |
| Other services | | A2723299J |
| All industries | | A2734024A |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525547V |
| Manufacturing | | A3525529R |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525493X |
| Construction | | A3525583C |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525592F |
| Retail trade | | A3525574A |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525448L |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525466T |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525520V |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525475V |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525610X |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525511T |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525565X |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525556W |
| Education and training | | A3525457R |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525502R |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525439K |
| Other services | | A3525601W |
| All industries | | A3525484W |
Table 10C. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Males Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728180R |
| Manufacturing | | A2718955X |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719030R |
| Construction | | A2734105C |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748205W |
| Retail trade | | A2723005R |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748280W |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719105W |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751730C |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723080R |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743255C |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719180W |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723155W |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719255C |
| Education and training | | A2743330T |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723230K |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734180C |
| Other services | | A2723305T |
| All industries | | A2734030W |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525550J |
| Manufacturing | | A3525532C |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525496F |
| Construction | | A3525586K |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525595L |
| Retail trade | | A3525577J |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525451A |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525469X |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525523A |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525478A |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525613F |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525514X |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525568F |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525559C |
| Education and training | | A3525460C |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525505W |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525442X |
| Other services | | A3525604C |
| All industries | | A3525487C |
Table 10D. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Females, Full-time Adult Ordinary Time Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728172R |
| Manufacturing | | A2718947X |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719022R |
| Construction | | A2734097R |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748197J |
| Retail trade | | A2722997X |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748272W |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719097J |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751722C |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723072R |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743247C |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719172W |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723147W |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719247C |
| Education and training | | A2743322T |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723222K |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734172C |
| Other services | | A2723297C |
| All industries | | A2734022W |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525545R |
| Manufacturing | | A3525527K |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525491V |
| Construction | | A3525581X |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525590A |
| Retail trade | | A3525572W |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525446J |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525464L |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525518J |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525473R |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525608L |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525509F |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525563V |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525554T |
| Education and training | | A3525455K |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525500K |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525437F |
| Other services | | A3525599W |
| All industries | | A3525482T |
Table 10E. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Females, Full Time Adult Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728175W |
| Manufacturing | | A2718950L |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719025W |
| Construction | | A2734100T |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748200K |
| Retail trade | | A2723000C |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748275C |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719100K |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751725K |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723075W |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743250T |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719175C |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723150K |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719250T |
| Education and training | | A2743325X |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723225T |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734175K |
| Other services | | A2723300F |
| All industries | | A2734025C |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525548W |
| Manufacturing | | A3525530X |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525494A |
| Construction | | A3525584F |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525593J |
| Retail trade | | A3525575C |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525449R |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525467V |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525521W |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525476W |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525611A |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525512V |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525566A |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525557X |
| Education and training | | A3525458T |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525503T |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525440V |
| Other services | | A3525602X |
| All industries | | A3525485X |
Table 10F. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Females, Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728181T |
| Manufacturing | | A2718956A |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719031T |
| Construction | | A2734106F |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748206X |
| Retail trade | | A2723006T |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748281X |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719106X |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751731F |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723081T |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743256F |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719181X |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723156X |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719256F |
| Education and training | | A2743331V |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723231L |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734181F |
| Other services | | A2723306V |
| All industries | | A2734031X |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525551K |
| Manufacturing | | A3525533F |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525497J |
| Construction | | A3525587L |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525596R |
| Retail trade | | A3525578K |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525452C |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525470J |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525524C |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525479C |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525614J |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525515A |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525569J |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525560L |
| Education and training | | A3525461F |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525506X |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525443A |
| Other services | | A3525605F |
| All industries | | A3525488F |
Table 10G. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Persons, Full Time Adult Adult Ordinary Time Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728173T |
| Manufacturing | | A2718948A |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719023T |
| Construction | | A2734098T |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748198K |
| Retail trade | | A2722998A |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748273X |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719098K |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751723F |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723073T |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743248F |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719173X |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723148X |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719248F |
| Education and training | | A2743323V |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723223L |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734173F |
| Other services | | A2723298F |
| All industries | | A2734023X |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525546T |
| Manufacturing | | A3525528L |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525492W |
| Construction | | A3525582A |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525591C |
| Retail trade | | A3525573X |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525447K |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525465R |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525519K |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525474T |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525609R |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525510R |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525564W |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525555V |
| Education and training | | A3525456L |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525501L |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525438J |
| Other services | | A3525600V |
| All industries | | A3525483V |
Table 10H. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Persons, Full Time Adult Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728176X |
| Manufacturing | | A2718951R |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719026X |
| Construction | | A2734101V |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748201L |
| Retail trade | | A2723001F |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748276F |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719101L |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751726L |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723076X |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743251V |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719176F |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723151L |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719251V |
| Education and training | | A2743326A |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723226V |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734176L |
| Other services | | A2723301J |
| All industries | | A2734026F |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525549X |
| Manufacturing | | A3525531A |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525495C |
| Construction | | A3525585J |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525594K |
| Retail trade | | A3525576F |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525450X |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525468W |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525522X |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525477X |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525612C |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525513W |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525567C |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525558A |
| Education and training | | A3525459V |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525504V |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525441W |
| Other services | | A3525603A |
| All industries | | A3525486A |
Table 10I. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia: Original, Persons, Total Earnings |
Series | ANZSIC 1993 series ID | ANZSIC 2006 series ID |
Original Series | | |
| Mining | | A2728182V |
| Manufacturing | | A2718957C |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A2719032V |
| Construction | | A2734107J |
| Wholesale trade | | A2748207A |
| Retail trade | | A2723007V |
| Accommodation and food services | | A2748282A |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A2719107A |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A2751732J |
| Finance and insurance services | | A2723082V |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A2743257J |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A2719182A |
| Administrative and support services | | A2723157A |
| Public administration and safety | | A2719257J |
| Education and training | | A2743332W |
| Health care and social assistance | | A2723232R |
| Arts and recreation services | | A2734182J |
| Other services | | A2723307W |
| All industries | | A2734032A |
Standards Errors | | |
| Mining | | A3525552L |
| Manufacturing | | A3525534J |
| Electricity, gas, water and waste services | | A3525498K |
| Construction | | A3525588R |
| Wholesale trade | | A3525597T |
| Retail trade | | A3525579L |
| Accommodation and food services | | A3525453F |
| Transport, postal and warehousing | | A3525471K |
| Information media and telecommunications | | A3525525F |
| Finance and insurance services | | A3525480L |
| Rental, hiring and real estate services | | A3525615K |
| Professional, scientific and technical services | | A3525516C |
| Administrative and support services | | A3525570T |
| Public administration and safety | | A3525561R |
| Education and training | | A3525462J |
| Health care and social assistance | | A3525507A |
| Arts and recreation services | | A3525444C |
| Other services | | A3525606J |
| All industries | | A3525489J |