4918.0 - Family and Community Connections, May 2009  
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APRIL 2009

Early childhood learning and care: data sources, gaps and opportunities, 2008 (cat no. 4105.0.55.001)

This information paper reports on a data mapping pilot project undertaken by the ABS (in collaboration with several other agencies) with the aim of improving the evidence base on early childhood. The project investigates the existing range of data sources relevant to identified high priority policy questions in the area of early childhood care and education. It ascertains how these data sources relate to the key information requirements, where gaps exist and what access arrangements are in place. Recommendations are made for improving the evidence base for policy development and evaluation through better access to existing information or the creation of new information from existing data sources.

Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators, 2009 (cat no. 1383.0.55.001)

Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators presents a national summary of the most important areas of progress and includes, in a single report, key statistics relating to individuals, the economy and economic resources, the environment, and living together. The purpose of Measures of Australia's Progress (MAP) is to inform and stimulate public debate and encourage all Australians to assess the bigger picture when thinking about whether or not life in Australia is getting better.

Microdata: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Basic and Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record Files, 2007 (cat no. 4326.0.30.001)

Microdata from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing is available in the form of a Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) and an Expanded CURF. The CURFs contain confidentialised data about each selected person and the household to which they belong. Data is also available based on diagnosis, mental health condition, and consultations for mental health (service use).

Perspectives on Migrants, 2009 (cat no. 3416.0)

Issues and debates relating to migrants, ethnicity and migration programs are common place within the Australian political and media landscape. The National Migrant Statistics Unit (NMSU), through the 'Perspectives on Migrants' series attempts to provide informed commentary to assist those interested in these major issues.

Perspectives on Sport, Apr 2009 (cat no. 4156.0.55.001)

Issues and debates relating to sport and sporting programs are common place within the Australian political and media landscape. The National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics (NCCRS), through the 'Perspectives on Sport' series attempts to provide informed commentary to assist those interested in these major issues.

Technical Manual: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Confidentialised Unit Record Files, 2007 (cat no. 4329.0)

Provides information about the data content of the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Confidentialised Unit Record sample files, along with conditions of issue and how to access/order the file.

MARCH 2009

A Directory of Education and Training Statistics, 2009 (cat no. 1136.0)

A directory of statistics, related directly or indirectly to education and training in Australia. It provides descriptive information on various data sources, data items available, frequency of collections, publications produced, and access to information. It includes information about education costs and expenditures, childcare and preschool education, primary and secondary school education, vocational education and training, higher education, Indigenous education and training, other statistical or research reports on education and training, and on classifications and manuals for Australian education and training statistics.

Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2008 (cat no. 3101.0)

Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes the most recent estimates of the population in five-year age groups; numbers (and some rates) of births, deaths, infant deaths, interstate and overseas movements. Quarterly and/or annual time series tables throughout. Also includes projected resident populations, projected population in households, projected number of households and projected average household size for states, territories and Australia.
Australian Social Trends, March 2009 (cat no. 4102.0)

Presents statistical analysis and commentary on a wide range of current social issues. New articles are released quarterly and are organised into eight chapters, representing the following broad areas of interest: population; family and community; health; education and training; work; economic resources; and housing, as well as a chapter of articles covering other areas of social concern. Each chapter is supported by a set of summary tables including key social indicators which provide an overview of social change over the past decade, as well as how social conditions differ across Australian states and territories. A set of international tables also compares Australia with 17 other nations.

Culture and Recreation News, 2009 (cat no. 4147.4.55.001)

Culture and Recreation News is the half-yearly newsletter of the National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics (NCCRS). The newsletter highlights developments in arts and cultural heritage, and sports and recreation statistics, and provides relevant information for researchers, policy makers, service providers and others with an interest in this field

Education News, March 2009 (cat no. 1330.0)

Education News keeps teachers and students up to date with ABS resources and data that is relevant to the school's sector.

Research Paper: Exploring Measures of Low Social Capital, March 2009 (cat no. 1351.0.55.024)

Developing measures of social capital across individuals and communities has attracted a large amount of attention and policy interest. However, this is a difficult task. The enumeration of the 2006 General Social Survey provides an important opportunity to explore a range of measures of social capital and see how they are related to each other. A number of the questions used to capture aspects of social capital have not been asked before in such a large survey, whereas others have not been collected alongside as wide a range of demographic and socio-economic information. The results presented in this paper show that although a single measure of social capital is useful in summarising the patterns across the population, there is sufficient variation to warrant a number of dimensions of social capital being analysed separately.

Sport and social capital, Australia, 2006 (cat no. 4917.0)

This report aims to examine the relationship between participation in sport and physical recreation and social wellbeing using a range of indicators from the Australian Bureau of Statistics' 2006 General Social Survey.


2011 Census of Population and Housing Local & Regional Engagement Strategy, 2011 (cat no. 2911.0.55.001)

To help us count everyone in Australia during the 2011 Census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics is seeking the advice and support of community focused and government organisations in the preparation for the 2011 Census.

This brochure discusses this approach in more detail and provides contact information.

CURF Microdata News, Feb 2009 (cat no. 1104.0)

CURF Microdata News is aimed at informing new and current Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) Microdata users about issues and developments in the access to, and use of, CURF Microdata. The newsletter periodically covers topics such as available and forthcoming microdata releases, terms and conditions of access, responsible access to microdata and best practice tips, pricing, microdata research outputs, frequently asked questions, and information about applying for ABS CURF microdata.
Interested readers are also invited to visit the CURF Microdata pages on the ABS web site for relevant up-to-date information about each of these matters, as well as all application forms.

Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation, Australia, Apr to Jul 2007 (reissue) (cat no. 6361.0)

Datacubes: Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation, Australia, Apr to Jul 2007 (reissue) (cat no. 6361.0.55.004)

Presents first results from the Survey of Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation by selected socio-demographic characteristics. Contains information about people's employment arrangements such as type of worker (eg employees, owner managers); job duration and expected job duration; working patterns; extra paid and unpaid hours worked; and people's work preferences. Includes information about the caring responsibilities that people have, and how people balance their work with their caring responsibilities. The plans that people have for retirement, and issues around why people retire and why some people return to work after retiring are examined. Also presents information on whether people are contributing to superannuation (through personal, employer and/or spouse contributions), whether they are receiving a pension or annuity from superannuation, and the characteristics of people with different types of superannuation coverage.

Demography News, Feb 2009 (cat no. 3106.0)

Demographic statistics provide measures of the Australian population, its size, growth, composition and geographic distribution, as well as the components that shape population change: births, deaths and migration.

This newsletter provides information about the latest demographic research and analysis being undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Information Paper: Regional Labour Force Statistics, February 2009 (cat no. 6262.0)

This paper describes changes to become effective in February 2009 to a number of the existing regions used in the dissemination of labour force statistics derived from the monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS). The paper also provides general information on the availability of labour force statistics for those dissemination regions.

Labour Statistics News, Feb 2009 (cat no. 6106.0)

Labour Statistics News is published twice yearly by the Labour Market Statistics National Statistical Centre (NSC). It provides information about the latest in labour market statistics including: outlining recent developments and survey reviews; informing and seeking feedback on current projects; providing analysis and articles on labour-related issues; providing information on how to find, use and interpret ABS labour market statistics; providing useful contacts within the labour market area of the ABS; highlighting significant releases of ABS labour market data or analysis; and advertising upcoming statistical training in labour market statistics. Labour Statistics News aims to reach a wide range of users to inform and engage with the community on labour market issues and statistical developments

National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Users' Guide, 2007 (cat no. 4327.0)

Contains information about the concepts and methods used in sampling, data collection and processing of the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Also included is a complete list of output data items and associated material to assist users in specifying data requirements.

Managing ABS Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs): A Step by Step Guide, Feb 2009 (cat no. 1406.0.55.004)

This guide provides users of ABS microdata with an overview of the process of applying for CURFs, and information about managing CURF access and data. The guide is written for CURF Individual Users, Contact Officers, Responsible Officers, and Consultants and their Sponsoring Organisation. It explains the roles and responsibilities of each


A Picture of the Nation: the Statistician's Report on the 2006 Census, 2006 (cat no. 2070.0)

Presents statistical analysis and commentary on the results of the 2006 Census. The overviews and articles are organised into eight chapters, representing the following broad areas of interest: population; cultural diversity; living arrangements; community; education; work; economic resources; and housing. Commentary focuses on the ability of the census to provide information on small population groups and small geographic areas.

The style of the report is clear, focused and easy to read. Effective use is made of summary tables and graphics to highlight key information.

Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, December 2008 (cat no. 6224.0.55.001)

The monthly datacubes contain detailed information about labour force status and other characteristics of families using original data collected in the Labour Force Survey.

Microdata: Multipurpose Household Survey, Expanded CURF, Australia, 2007-08 (cat no. 4100.0.55.001)

Provides statistics on two topics: Household Use of Information Technology, and Environmental Views and Behaviour. No Basic CURF has been released from this Survey.

Expanded CURFs are available only through the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL), through which users are able to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data to their individual specifications. See the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) User Guide for advice on this system. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has taken steps to confidentialise the microdata in such a way as to maximise the usefulness of the content while maintaining the confidentiality of respondents to ABS statistical collections.

Migrant Data Matrices, 2008 (cat no. 3415.0)

Presents a series of matrices that link to ABS summary data on migrants. Where available, this will include a broad selection of demographic, geographic, socio-economic and collection specific data items. The statistical coverage includes topics such as Population Characteristics, Labour (Employment), Family and Community, Health, Education and Training, Housing, Personal and Household Finances, Culture and Leisure and Crime and Justice. The matrices also include a link to a glossary of migrant related terms and, for each selected ABS product, links to their main features and to detailed information on the source collection.

Technical Manual: Multipurpose Household Survey, Expanded CURF, Australia, 2007-08 (cat no. 4100.0)

Provides information on the microdata available from the 2007–08 Multipurpose Household Survey (MPHS), explaining data content, technical details and conditions of use of the Expanded CURF.

For the full list of recent releases see Statistics by Release Date.

For the full ABS catalogue see Statistics.