The NatStats 2010 Conference will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, from 15 - 17 September.
NatStats 2010 will bring together an array of leaders and high profile commentators, researchers and policy makers from all levels of government, academia, community and business. NatStats was initiated to assist in the development of a collaborative approach to national statistics. It focuses on various issues surrounding quantitative and qualitative research, which have been highlighted by key government initiatives. The theme for the conference is 'Measuring what counts: economic development, wellbeing and progress in 21st century Australia'.
The conference will build on the success of the first NatStats conference held in 2008, where around 480 delegates attended. A major outcome of the 2008 conference was the tabling of a statistical declaration to guide the development of a national statistical strategy for Australia in the 21st century.
NatStats 2010 will build on the enthusiasm and passion generated by delegates at NatStats08 and will offer delegates an opportunity to:
- Explore the impact of expected demographic, environmental and global economic change and their implications for governance, policy, productivity and the well-being of Australia's urban and rural communities.
- Identify the improvements needed in our national statistical system to understand and respond to these challenges.
- Identify improvements needed in the current statistical frameworks for measuring progress and development to ensure Australians’ wellbeing.
An exciting program is being developed and will address a range of issues regarding national statistics. If you would like to hear more about NatStats 2010 or have any suggestions, please email