Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
In Queensland in November 2011, in trend terms, there were:
293,000 cattle slaughtered, the highest number of any state or territory, and the highest in Queensland since July 2008 (47.7% of all cattle slaughtered)
9,800 calves slaughtered, a decline of 5.5% from the November 2010 figure
40,000 sheep slaughtered, an increase of 14.5% on the November 2010 figure, but still well below the recent high of 64,900 in February 2009
23,100 lambs slaughtered, the tenth consecutive monthly increase, but still the lowest number in the nation.
Do you know how many livestock have been slaughtered in your state or territory?
Livestock slaughtering and meat production statistics are based on a monthly collection from abattoirs and other major slaughtering establishments. They include estimates of animals slaughtered by country butchers and other small slaughtering establishments.
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