Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
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Pregnancy and work transitions
This article looks at the work transitions of mothers before and after the birth of their child, including their leave patterns and those of their partners
Losing my religion?
This article looks at the change over time in numbers of Australians reporting no religion, and explores the characteristics of those who reported no religion in 2011.
Article Archive
Great Australian stories about our population, families and communities, health, education and training, work, housing, economic resources and lots of other areas of social concern
AST has changed...
From January 2013, AST has reduced the number of releases per year from four to three. PDF versions of AST articles are no longer available, but you can print the web pages using the print tools at the top of the page.
AST Indicators are also no longer updated, but similar information will be available via the Topics @ a Glance pages.
Download the LATEST Australian Social Trends indicators below:
Previously, Australian Social Trends included national and state summary indicator sets across several broad areas of social concern. However, from February 2013, these indicators were no longer produced. Similar information will be available via the Topics @ a Glance pages.