A large majority of children participated in some form of informal learning activity with their parents in the reference week. Of the 1.8 million children aged 3-8 years, only 1% did not engage in informal learning activities with their parents, compared with 10% of the 929,300 children aged 0-2 years. Reading activities were the most common type of informal learning in which parents were involved. In the survey reference week, parents read or told stories to 81% of 0-2 year olds, and told stories, read or listened to the reading of 96% of 3-8 year olds. Among 0-2 year olds, other common informal learning activities with parents included musical activities (79%) and watching TV, videos or DVDs (67%). Children aged 3-8 years commonly engaged in watching TV, videos and DVDs (85%) and physical activities (82%) with their parents. (Tables 19 and 20)