3301.0 Births, Australia, 2008 — Data cubes
Content of Births, Australia, 2008 data cubes is summarised below.
Table 1. Births, Summary, States and territories, 1998–2008—Contains summary births statistics for Australia, states and territories, including age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rates.
Table 2. Births, Summary, Statistical Divisions, 2003–2008—Contains summary births and confinements statistics for Statistical Divisions. For more information on Statistical Divisions see Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) (cat. no. 1216.0). Data presented in this data cube are based on 2008 ASGC boundaries.
Table 3. Births, Summary, Statistical Local Areas, 2003–2008—Contains summary births statistics for Statistical Local Areas. For more information on Statistical Local Areas see Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) (cat. no. 1216.0). Data presented in this data cube are based on 2008 ASGC boundaries.
Table 4. Births, Summary, Local Government Areas, 2003–2008—Contains summary births statistics for Local Government Areas. For more information on Local Government Areas see Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) (cat. no. 1216.0). Data presented in this data cube are based on 2008 ASGC boundaries.
Table 5: Births, Year and month of occurrence, 1998 to 2008—Contains births by the year and month in which they occurred.
Table 6: Births, Nuptiality and age of parents, Australia—2008—Contains births statistics by age and marital status (nuptiality) of the parents.
Table 7: Births, Summary, Country of birth of parents, Australia—2008—Contains births statistics by selected countries of birth of the parents.
Table 8: Multiple births, States and territories—2008—Contains numbers of confinements resulting in a multiple birth.
Table 9: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander births, Summary, Australia, states and territories—2008—Contains summary statistics on births where one or both of the child's parents identified themselves as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin on the birth registration statement.
Table 10: Age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rates, Single year of age of mother, Australia—1975–2008—Contains age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rates based on single year of age of mother.
More data may be available on request. For information on available characteristics associated with the Birth Registrations collection see Appendix: Characteristics Available.
For further information on these statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.