The following supplementary data cubes are available for free from the ABS website.
Sex and age group
1. Victims, sex and age group by selected offences, New South Wales
2. Victims, sex and age group by selected offences, Victoria
3. Victims, sex and age group by selected offences, Queensland
4. Victims, sex and age group by selected offences, South Australia
5. Victims, sex and age group by selected offences, Western Australia
6. Victims, sex by selected offences, Tasmania
7. Victims, sex by selected offences, Northern Territory
8. Victims, sex by selected offences, Australian Capital Territory
Location where offence occurred
1. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, New South Wales
2. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Victoria
3. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Queensland
4. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, South Australia
5. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Western Australia
6. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Tasmania
7. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Northern Territory
8. Victims, location where offence occurred by selected offences, Australian Capital Territory
Use of weapon in commission of offence
1. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, New South Wales
2. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Victoria
3. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Queensland
4. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, South Australia
5. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Western Australia
6. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Tasmania
7. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Northern Territory
8. Victims, use of weapon in commission of offence by selected offences, Australian Capital Territory
Outcome of investigation at 30 days
1. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, New South Wales
2. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Victoria
3. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Queensland
4. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, South Australia
5. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Western Australia
6. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Tasmania
7. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Northern Territory
8. Victims, selected offences by outcome of investigation at 30 days, Australian Capital Territory
Relationship of offender to victim
1. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, New South Wales
2. Victims of sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, Victoria
3. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, Queensland
4. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, South Australia
5. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, Tasmania
6. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, Northern Territory
7. Victims of assault and sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim by age group, Australian Capital Territory
Indigenous victims of crime
1. Victims of assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, New South Wales
2. Victims of sexual assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, New South Wales
3. Victims of robbery, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, New South Wales
4. Victims of assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, New South Wales
5. Victims of sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, New South Wales
6. Victims of assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Queensland
7. Victims of sexual assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Queensland
8. Victims of robbery, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Queensland
9. Victims of assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, Queensland
10. Victims of sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, Queensland
11. Victims of assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, South Australia
12. Victims of sexual assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, South Australia
13. Victims of robbery, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, South Australia
14. Victims of assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, South Australia
15. Victims of sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, South Australia
16. Victims of assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Northern Territory
17. Victims of sexual assault, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Northern Territory
18. Victims of robbery, Indigenous status and selected characteristics, Northern Territory
19. Victims of assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, Northern Territory
20. Victims of sexual assault, relationship of offender to victim and sex by Indigenous status, Northern Territory