4430.0 - Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Disability and Long Term Health Conditions
, 2003
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/11/2004
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LIST OF TABLES FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA(d) DISABILITY 1 All persons: Disability status and whether has a long-term health condition by age 2 All persons: Disability status by sex and age 5 All persons: Whether has a disability by remoteness and country of birth 6 All persons: Disability status by age, living arrangements and type of dwelling 7 Persons aged 15 years and over living in households: Disability status by level of highest non-school qualification, highest year of school completed, housing tenure, remoteness, equivalised gross household income quintiles, principal source of personal income and median gross personal income per week 8 Persons aged 15–64 years living in households: Disability status by sex and labour force status 9 Persons aged 15–64 years living in households: Disability status by labour force status, status in employment, occupation, industry and sector of employment 11 Persons with a disability: Disability status by main health condition 13 Persons with a disability: Living arrangements by use of aids or equipment 14 Persons with a disability living in households: Disability status by activities for which assistance needed and assistance received, and extent to which need for assistance met 15 Persons with a disability living in households needing assistance: Provider type by disability status 16 Persons with a disability aged 5 years and over living in households: Disability status by community, cultural and leisure participation at home and away from home 17 Persons with a disability aged 5 years and over living in households: Disability status by use and availability of public transport, use of concession card, ability to use public transport and difficulties using public transport 18 Persons with a disability aged 5 years and over living in households: Disability status by mode of transport and reason for last journey 19 Persons with a disability aged 17 years and over living in households: Disability status by whether has a driver's licence, and need for assistance with private transport 20 Persons with a disability aged 15 years and over living in households: Disability status by computer and Internet use in the last 12 months OLDER PEOPLE 21 Persons aged 60 years and over: Activities for which assistance is needed by age 22 Persons aged 60 years and over living in households needing assistance: Extent to which need met by activities for which assistance is needed 23 Persons aged 60 years and over living in households needing assistance: Activities for which assistance is needed by provider type 24 Persons aged 60 years and over living in households: Disability status by sex and principal source of personal income - number and median gross personal income per week 25 Persons aged 60 years and over living in households: Living arrangements by community, cultural and leisure participation at home and away from home 26 Persons aged 60 years and over living in households: Computer and Internet use in the last 12 months CARERS 27 All persons living in households: Carer status by age and sex 28 All persons living in households: Carer status by remoteness and sex 29 Persons aged 15 years and over living in households: Carer status by equivalised gross household income quintiles, principal source of personal income, median gross personal income per week, labour force status, housing tenure, remoteness and whether has a disability 32 Primary carers aged 15 years and over: Average current weekly hours spent caring for main recipient of care by age of primary carer 33 Primary carers aged 15 years and over: Relationship to main recipient of care by reasons for taking on caring role (d) This list is numbered according to the list of tables published in Disability, Ageing and Carers: Summary of Findings 2003 (cat. No. 4430.0), and contains those state tables available for South Australia. |