4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2001
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 05/06/2001
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Media alert....News diary event Attention Chiefs of Staff and News Editors Australian Social Trends released tomorrow The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will release the eighth edition of Australian Social Trends (cat. no. 4102.0) tomorrow Wednesday 6 June 2001. Australian Social Trends 2001 profiles Australian society and looks at changes in the nation's social conditions and wellbeing. The publication features 31 articles, within seven chapters, on topics related to population, families, health, education, work, income and housing. These provide an insight into the changing nature of Australian society. This alert is to aid your planning and research by giving you advance notice of the release of this major publication. The publication is a source of a wide variety of stories. A full list of the articles is attached. A synopsis of the articles is available by request. A media release with some summary information will be widely distributed tomorrow. However please note that the publication will be boxed at the Canberra Press Gallery by request only. The publication will also be available for collection on the day from our State offices in each capital city, again by request. To arrange for your copy of Australian Social Trends 2001 please contact Ana Goodwin on (02) 6252 7633 or e-mail a.goodwin@abs.gov.au. ATTENTION: Feature Editors, Program Producers SOCIAL TRENDS HAS LOTS OF GOOD STORIES TOPICS INCLUDE: POPULATION:
Asian-born Australians Coming to Australia Leaving Australia Population projections for the 21st century FAMILY:
Caring in the community Future living arrangements Older mothers HEALTH:
Drug-related deaths Disability among adults Private health insurance Private hospitals EDUCATION:
Time spent studying Field of study and employment Combining study and work WORK:
Changing employer or business Trends in employment population ratios Unemployment trends and patterns Time spent on unpaid household work INCOME AND EXPENDITURE:
Expenditure in low-income households Value of unpaid work Income support among people of workforce-age HOUSING:
Household amenities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing in non-remote areas Housing finance There are 14 national and State summary tables which present over 300 social indicators which show trends over time and comparisons between States and Territories over a range of different social issues. Also presented is a set of international tables, showing where Australia stands in relation to our nearest neighbours and trading partners. A synopsis of the articles is avilable by request. Further details are in Australian Social Trends 2001 (cat. no. 4102.0) available from ABS bookshops in capital cities.To assist your coverage, ABS has arranged a number of expert commentators for many of these subject areas. ABS is also available for interviews etc about the data. Contact us if you wish to talk to these commentators. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.