Agricultural Census photos and audio, Jun 2001

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June 18, 2001
Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST)

Attention Farm and Rural Editors

Agricultural Census photos and audio

Agricultural Census forms have been sent to every farmer in Australia and should reach them by the last week of June.

To assist media in covering the event the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has placed a selection of pictures, feature stories, audio grabs and media releases on the AAP Media Net website.

These can all be downloaded as you require them.

Deputy Australian Statistician, Rob Edwards, said this week that the Agricultural Census would provide up-to-date information about farm production, land use and land management practices which would assist industry and government in planning, policy development and marketing strategies that benefit Australian rural communities.

"A good Agricultural Census is vital to understand what is happening on the land," he said.

If farmers haven't received a form by the end of the month they are asked to contact the ABS on 1800 647 011. Forms are due back to the ABS by mid-July.

We commend this story to you as it is relevant to your rural readers and audiences. We believe the story itself is current for about a month, and has potential for interesting local coverage in your areas.

    Agricultural Census media centre:
    Key contact numbers (Media Only) for the Agricultural Census are:
    Steve Dangaard, Director, Media and Public Affairs Unit, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Tel: 02 6252 7197 MOB: 0418 481 757
    Allan Nicholls, Director, Agriculture, Mining and Manufacturing Section, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    (Spokesperson for the census)
    Tel: 02 6252 5339 MOB/AH: 0409 152 608
    Jim Williamson, Agricultural Census Project, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    Tel: 02 6252 5830 MOB/AH: 0429 460 087
    Farmers have access to a free call telephone number which is: 1800 647 011.