Table 14.11 presents information about household expenditure on selected other leisure products during 1998-99. Information regarding household expenditure on gambling is presented in Gambling.
Because there is not an exact match between categories of the Household Expenditure Classification (used by the Household Expenditure Survey) and those of the ACLC Product Classification, there are some instances of individual products which are not classed as other leisure in the ACLC being included, and products which are classed as other leisure being excluded. For example; skipping ropes and skateboards are part of Recreation and education equipment n.e.c. (which relates mainly to other leisure) in the Household Expenditure Classification. However, in the ACLC Product Classification, they are classed as sports and physical recreation equipment.
The average weekly household expenditure on the selected other leisure products during 1998-99 was $29.26. This was 4.2% of the average of $698.97 spent each week on all products.
More than two thirds (71.8% or $21.00 per week) of other leisure expenditure was for Food and beverage serving services. The remainder ($8.25 per week) was spent on a range of other leisure products including Toys and other recreational equipment ($3.11 per week) and Sightseeing tours ($2.04 per week).
The highest expenditure for an individual category of other leisure products was recorded for Meals served in restaurants, hotels, clubs and related ($14.51 per week), while the lowest expenditure was for the use of Amusement arcade machines ($0.10 per week).
In 1998-99, Australian households spent a total of $10,866.7m on the selected other leisure goods and services. Of this expenditure, $7,799.1m went on Food and beverage serving services and $1,155.0m on Toys and other recreational equipment.
|  |
 |  | Average household expenditure | Total household expenditure | Number of households reporting expenditure(a) |  |
 |  | $/week | $m/year | '000 |  |
|  |
Food and beverage serving services |  |  |  |  |
 | Meals served in restaurants, hotels, clubs and related | 14.51 | 5 388.8 | 3 452.9 |  |
 | Alcoholic beverages served in licensed premises | 6.49 | 2 410.3 | 2 686.8 |  |
 | Total | 21.00 | 7 799.1 | 4 234.4 |  |
Miscellaneous other leisure products |  |  |  |  |
 | Caravan related expenditure | 1.12 | 416.0 | (b)283.4 |  |
 | Amusement arcade machines | 0.10 | 37.1 | 159.8 |  |
 | Toys and other recreational equipment | 3.11 | 1 155.0 | 1 409.2 |  |
 | Sightseeing tours | 2.04 | 757.6 | (b)422.7 |  |
 | Animal purchases | 0.41 | 152.3 | 88.7 |  |
 | Dance and nightclub fees and charges | 0.80 | 297.1 | 518.7 |  |
 | Club and association subscriptions(c) | 0.69 | 256.3 | 595.4 |  |
 | Total | 8.25 | 3 063.9 | 2 669.4 |  |
Total expenditure on selected other leisure products | 29.26 | 10 866.7 | 5 021.1 |  |
Total expenditure on all products | 698.97 | 259 586.7 | 7 121.8 |  |
|  |
(a) Households reporting expenditure in the two week enumeration period unless otherwise noted. |
(b) Households reporting expenditure in the 12 months, three months or two weeks prior to interview for different commodities within this category. |
(c) Excludes sports clubs. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Household Expenditure Survey, 1998-99. |
Table 14.12 presents a comparison of both average weekly and total annual expenditures on selected other leisure products (excluding Meals served in restaurants, hotels, clubs and related) at constant prices for 1993-94 and 1998-99.
The average weekly household expenditure on Alcoholic beverages served in licensed premises decreased from $7.53 per week to $6.49 per week or by 13.8% during this period. For the remainder of the selected other leisure products, the overall fall in expenditure was only 2.1% from $8.43 per week to $8.25 per week.
The total annual household expenditure on Alcoholic beverages served in licensed premises decreased by $186.2m from $2,596.5m in 1993-94 to $2,410.3m in 1998-99. For the remaining other leisure products, total expenditure increased by $157.3m from $2,906.6m to $3,063.9m over the same period.
|  |
 | Average household expenditure | Total household expenditure |  |
 | 1993-94 | 1998-99 | 1993-94 | 1998-99 |  |
 | $/week | $/week | $m/year | $m/year |  |
|  |
Alcoholic beverages served in licensed premises | 7.53 | 6.49 | 2 596.5 | 2 410.3 |  |
Miscellaneous other leisure products | 8.43 | 8.25 | 2 906.6 | 3 063.9 |  |
Total expenditure on selected other leisure products(b) | 15.95 | 14.74 | 5 503.1 | 5 474.2 |  |
Total expenditure on all products | 664.28 | 698.97 | 229 178.8 | 259 586.7 |  |
|  |
(a) At 1998-99 prices. |
(b) Excludes Meals served in restaurants, hotels, clubs and related. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Household Expenditure Survey, 1993-94 and 1998-99. |