Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
A classification of industry produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the New Zealand Department of Statistics for the use in the collection and publication of statistics in the two countries. ANZSIC 2006 was used in this publication.
Climate affecting holding has changed
Perceived changes in climate (land managers) that affected agricultural business land during the time the farmer owned the property. These are perceived changes over time such as changes to average temperature, rainfall patterns, and evaporation.
Estimated value of agricultural operation (EVAO)
An estimation of the value of agricultural activity undertaken by an agricultural business. Three-year average weighted prices are applied to livestock turnoff and livestock numbers on the farm, and to area and production data for crops. The resultant aggregation of these commodity values is the EVAO. It is not an indicator of the value of receipts of individual farms but rather an indicator of the extent of agricultural activity.
Impact of climate change
Is an increase or decrease in the level of production or an increase or decrease in the frequency/extent of pests, weeds or disease due to a perceived change in the climate affecting the holding.
Modified management practices in response to changing climate
Modified management practices (land managers) in response to changes in climate during the time the manager owned their holding. These changes in climate are perceived changes over time such as changes to average temperature, rainfall patterns, and evaporation.
Natural Resource Management (NRM)
Management of our natural resources - land, soil, native vegetation, biodiversity and water.
Natural Resource Management regions
Fifty-eight regions identified across Australia for the purposes of addressing natural resource management and sustainable agriculture priorities. The boundaries for each region have been established by agreement between the Australian Government, and State and Territory Governments. A map outlining the specific NRM regions used in this publication is provided in Appendix 1. Data at the NRM region level is as per the boundary specifications of August 2005.
A noxious, destructive or troublesome animal or insect.
A plant that interferes with the management objectives at a particular location. It is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Weeds may damage crops or poison livestock when growing in pasture.