The following microdata product is available from the Early Childhood Education and Care collection, 2013.
- TableBuilder
This product contains statistics on children, workers and service providers from the 2013 National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection.
The statistics on children include information about enrolment, attendance, hours of engagement and fees within various Preschool provider settings and types. Some geographic and demographic information is also available for children and their service providers. Statistics are also available for Children in the Year before Full-time Schooling and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. As a child can be enrolled in more than preschool program, statistics on these enrolments (referred to as episodes) are also available.
Statistics on workers include the role and type of work that employees of service providers are engaged in, as well as the field and level of their qualifications. Some geographic and demographic information is available for service providers in relation to workers.
The microdata enables users to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data. Steps to confidentialise the dataset are taken to ensure the integrity of data and maintain confidentiality of the respondents. This includes removing any information that might uniquely identify an individual, reducing the level of detail for some items and collapsing some categories.
To apply for access to TableBuilder, register and apply in the Registration Centre on the ABS Website