The proportion of prisoners who were unsentenced was slightly higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners (22%) than for non-Indigenous prisoners (21%). For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, this was a slight increase from the proportion at 30 June 2009 (21%). There was no change to the proportion of non-Indigenous prisoners from 2009. (Table 4.8)
Time on remand
Time on remand is influenced by a number of factors, particularly the time it takes for a case to come before a court. For information about interpreting median time on remand based on a census 'snapshot' see Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 78-80. The median number of months spent on remand by unsentenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners in custody at 30 June 2010 was 2.3 months, unchanged from 30 June 2009. For unsentenced non-Indigenous prisoners the median number of months spent on remand was 3.4 months, an increase from 3.2 months at 30 June 2009. (Table 4.8)
Unsentenced prisoners, Median time on remand and selected most serious charge, by Indigenous status