National tables |
|  |
 |  | Table no. | Title |  |
|  |
Summary tables and productivity estimates |  |  |  |
 |  | 1 | Key National Accounts Aggregates |  |
 |  | 2 | Expenditure on GDP, Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 3 | Expenditure on GDP, Chain volume measures - Percentage changes |  |
 |  | 4 | Expenditure on GDP, Chain volume measures - Contributions to growth |  |
 |  | 5 | Expenditure on GDP, Current prices |  |
 |  | 6 | Expenditure on GDP, Chain price indexes |  |
 |  | 7 | Expenditure on GDP, Chain price indexes - Percentage changes |  |
 |  | 8 | Expenditure on GDP, Implicit price deflators |  |
 |  | 9 | Industry gross value added, Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 10 | Industry gross value added, Chain volume measures - Percentage changes |  |
 |  | 11 | Industry gross value added, Current prices |  |
 |  | 12 | Income from GDP, Current prices |  |
 |  | 13 | National income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 14 | National capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 15 | National financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 16 | National balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 17 | National balance sheet, Current prices - Percentage changes - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 18 | National balance sheet, Volume/Real - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 19 | National balance sheet, Volume/Real - Percentage changes - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 20 | Balance sheet accounts and accumulation accounts, Current prices |  |
 |  | 21 | Analytical measures of national income, saving and wealth |  |
 |  | 22 | Productivity in the market sector |  |
 |  | 23 | Productivity in the market sector, Growth cycle analysis |  |
 |  | 24 | Labour input, Hours worked - By industry |  |
 |  | 25 | Labour productivity, Gross value added per hour worked - By industry |  |
 |  | 26 | Selected analytical series |  |
 |  | 106 | Unit labour costs |  |
Non-financial corporations sector |  |  |  |
 |  | 27 | Non-financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 28 | Non-financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 29 | Non-financial corporations financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 30 | Non-financial corporations balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 31 | Private non-financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 32 | Public non-financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 33 | Private non-financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 34 | Public non-financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 72 | Commonwealth public non-financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 73 | State and local public non-financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 74 | Commonwealth public non-financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 75 | State and local public non-financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
Financial corporations sector |  |  |  |
 |  | 35 | Financial corporations income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 36 | Financial corporations capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 37 | Financial corporations financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 38 | Financial corporations balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 39 | Life insurance offices and superannuation funds, Current prices |  |
General government sector |  |  |  |
 |  | 40 | General government income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 41 | General government adjusted disposable income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 42 | General government capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 43 | General government financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 44 | General government balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 45 | Government final consumption expenditure, By level of government and purpose - Current prices |  |
 |  | 76 | National general government income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 77 | State and local general government income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 78 | National general government capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 79 | State and local general government capital account, Current prices |  |
Household sector |  |  |  |
 |  | 46 | Household income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 47 | Household adjusted disposable income account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 48 | Analytical measures of household income, consumption, saving and wealth |  |
 |  | 49 | Household capital account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 50 | Household financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 51 | Household balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 52 | Household final consumption expenditure, Current prices |  |
 |  | 53 | Household final consumption expenditure, Chain volume measures |  |
Rest of the world sector |  |  |  |
 |  | 54 | External accounts, Current prices |  |
 |  | 55 | External financial account, Current prices |  |
 |  | 56 | External balance sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June |  |
Industry estimates |  |  |  |
 |  | 57 | Total factor income, By industry and principle components - Current prices |  |
 |  | 58 | Consumption of fixed capital, By industry and institutional sector - Current prices |  |
 |  | 59 | Compensation of employees, By industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 60 | Income from dwelling rent, Current prices |  |
 |  | 61 | Agricultural income, Current prices |  |
Capital estimates |  |  |  |
 |  | 62 | Gross fixed capital formation, By type of asset - Current prices |  |
 |  | 63 | Gross fixed capital formation, By type of asset - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 64 | Private gross fixed capital formation, By industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 65 | General government gross fixed capital formation, By level of government and purpose - Current prices |  |
 |  | 66 | Public corporations gross fixed capital formation, By level of government and industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 67 | Changes in inventories, Current prices |  |
 |  | 68 | Changes in inventories, Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 69 | Capital stock, By type of asset |  |
 |  | 70 | Capital stock, By institutional sector |  |
 |  | 71 | Capital stock, By industry |  |
 |  | 88 | Net capital stock, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |  |
 |  | 89 | Net capital stock, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 90 | Gross fixed capital formation, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |  |
 |  | 91 | Gross fixed capital formation, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 92 | Consumption of fixed capital, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |  |
 |  | 93 | Consumption of fixed capital, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 94 | Machinery and equipment net capital stock, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 95 | Machinery and equipment net capital stock, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 96 | Machinery and equipment gross fixed capital formation, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 97 | Machinery and equipment gross fixed capital formation, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 98 | Machinery and equipment consumption of fixed capital, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 99 | Machinery and equipment consumption of fixed capital, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 100 | Information technology net capital stock, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 101 | Information technology net capital stock, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 102 | Information technology gross fixed capital formation, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 103 | Information technology gross fixed capital formation, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
 |  | 104 | Information technology consumption of fixed capital, Industry - Current prices |  |
 |  | 105 | Information technology consumption of fixed capital, Industry - Chain volume measures |  |
Balance sheet estimates |  |  |  |
 |  | 80 | Consolidated balance sheet and accumulation accounts |  |
 |  | 81 | Value of livestock, fixed assets and inventories - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 82 | Livestock, fixed assets and inventories - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 83 | Value of land, Land use by state - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 84 | Value of demonstrated subsoil assets, By commodity - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 85(a) | Value of native standing timber, By state and land tenure - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 86(a) | Value of broadleaved plantation standing timber, By state and land tenure - as at 30 June |  |
 |  | 87(a) | Value of coniferous plantation standing timber, By state and land tenure - as at 30 June |  |
|  |
(a) Not published due to data quality issues affecting many series within this table |