5202.0 - Spotlight on National Accounts, May 2014  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/05/2014   
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Presents analysis and commentary on a wide range of topics covered within the National Accounts. It draws on data from National Accounts publications and other ABS and non-ABS data sources. The key purpose of this publication is to raise awareness of the National Accounts data, concepts, and methods, so that users will be able to use it more effectively. The content of the publication is aimed at a relatively non-technical level and is easy to read.

The May 2014 issue provides a range of estimates of the total value of unpaid work conducted by households in Australia in the form of unpaid household work, and volunteer and community work. As this type of unpaid work falls outside the conventional production boundary as defined by the System of National Accounts, the article shows the impact of extending the production boundary to include unpaid work on the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Detailed tables containing the value of unpaid work in Australia for 1992, 1997, and 2006 are provided.

This product is produced in Electronic delivery format on a Annual basis.
Issue Details

Latest Issue: May 2014

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