3236.0 - Population Projections, Australia, 1996 to 2021  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/11/2001   
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About these projections

The Victorian Department of Infrastructure has prepared a set of household projections for all Victorian local government areas. These projections were released on 1 February 2000 and cover the period 1996-2021. "They are based on the 1996 Census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics' 1998 national population projection series, and analyses of key economic, social and demographic trends occurring in Victoria". The geographical boundaries are those that existed at the 1996 Census of Population and Housing (ASGC 1996).

For more information about these projections click here.

This link will take you to the projections on the Victorian Department of Infrastructure's web site.
To get to the actual data click on 'projection statistics', then click on an LGA name in the table which will take you to a pdf containing population and household projections.