The definition of earnings currently used in the Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) survey is, broadly, current and regular payments in cash to employees for work done. Thus, earnings series from the AWE survey have historically excluded amounts salary sacrificed, as these have been considered conceptually as payments in kind. However, under the revised conceptual framework for measures of employee remuneration, as presented in Information Paper: Changes to ABS Measures of Employee Remuneration (cat. no. 6313.0), amounts salary sacrificed are now considered conceptually to be wages and salaries in cash.
In May quarter 2009, the trend estimate of average weekly full-time adult ordinary time earnings in Victoria was $1,167.37, an increase of 5.5% from May quarter 2008. Over the same period, trend full-time adult ordinary time earnings increased by 6.7% for males and by 4.4% for females.
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2 Average weekly earnings of employees, By Sex - Victoria: All series (file size 24kB).
Average weekly full-time adult ordinary time earnings, By Sex
- Victoria
: Trend