Welcome to the latest edition of the 'Local Government and ABS' newsletter.
If you have read any of our previous newsletters, you will have noticed that this issue looks quite different. The newsletter is presented in a different format, which we hope will be easier to use.
What's in this issue?
This issue contains two feature articles. In Explore your Local Government Area with CDATA Online, we show you how this tool can be used to create customised tables, maps and graphs for your Local Government Area using 2006 Census data.
The second feature article, Statistician's Report on the Census summarises this release and highlights sections of the report that may be of particular interest to Local Government users.
Other information included in this issue includes an update on What's happening in Local Government Finance, while the Recent and Future ABS Releases section includes some key findings from our recent data releases relating to sources of income for regions as well as letting you know about selected upcoming ABS releases.
We hope you find this newsletter interesting and informative, and we welcome your feedback and comments.
Lisa Conolly
Regional Statistics Branch