There were 1.6 million tonnes of grapes crushed in the 2010-11 financial year. The area of grape bearing vines increased to 154 thousand hectares and yields stayed unchanged at 10.1 tonnes/hectare at 30 June 2011.
There were 1.12 billion litres of beverage wine produced in 2010-11, a decrease of -0.02 billion litres (-2.1%) compared to 2009-10.
Exports of Australian produced wine also fell in 2010-11 to 747 million litres compared to 788 million litres in 2009-10. In contrast, imports of wine into Australia rose 4.2% to 67 million litres in 2010-11. Inventories of wine decreased to 1.66 billion litres (-3.5%) at 30 June 2011 compared to last financial year.
| Value | % change from 2009-10 |
Area of bearing vines (ha) | 154 030 | 1.8 |
Total winegrape production (t) | 1 563 009 | 1.9 |
Fresh grapes crushed(a) (t) | 1 602 394 | - |
Beverage wine production (million L) | 1 117.8 | -2.1 |
Beverage wine inventories (million L) | 1 662.2 | -3.5 |
Domestic sales of Australian wine (million L) | 463.9 | -1.5 |
Domestic sales value of Australian wine ($m) | 2 331.0 | 9.8 |
Exports of Australian wine (million L) | 746.6 | -5.3 |
Exports of Australian wine ($m) | 1 989.2 | -8.2 |
Imports of wine (million L) | 67.0 | 4.2 |
Imports of wine ($m) | 470.7 | 2.6 |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) Grape crush data are greater than wine grape production data in the Agricultural Census (see paragraph 3 of the Explanatory Notes). |