During 2008-09 there were 35,611 federal offences finalised in the Higher, Magistrates' and Children's Courts. Over two-thirds of federal offences finalised in all court levels (69% or 24,703 offences) were classified as fraud offences. Within the Higher courts, the proportion for this offence type was 30%, followed by financial offences (26%) and drugs (11%).
Of the 33,358 offences in the Magistrates' court, 72% were classified as fraud, 8% were communications offences and 6% were financial offences. The highest proportion of offences in the Children's Court were communications offences (46%).
Fraud offences comprised the highest proportion of offences in every jurisdiction except the Australian Capital Territory, ranging from 54% in New South Wales up to 81% in South Australia. The largest proportion of federal drug offences and financial offences were finalised in New South Wales, whilst the vast majority of illegal fishing offences were finalised in the Northern Territory. Offences related to commonwealth officials were the most common in the Australian Capital Territory. The majority of Commonwealth property offences were finalised in South Australia and Victoria.