Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI)
A victim who has self-identified as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin.
Armed robbery
Instances of robbery where a weapon was used in the commission of the offence.
The direct (and immediate/confrontational) infliction of force, injury, or violence upon a person or persons, or the direct (and immediate/confrontational) threat of force, injury or violence where there is an apprehension that the threat could be enacted.
Attempted murder
The attempted unlawful killing of another person, where there is either the intent to kill or to cause grievous bodily harm with the knowledge that it was probable that death or grievous bodily harm would occur (reckless indifference to life), not resulting in death.
Australian & New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC)
The ANZSOC is a hierarchical classification system developed by the ABS for use in the collection and publication of crime and justice statistics. It provides a classificatory framework for the comparison of statistics on offences across Australia.
Includes cricket bat, baseball bat, other bat, crowbar, iron bar, jemmy bar, club, baton, stick, or length of timber.
The unlawful demanding with intent to gain money, property or any other benefit from, or with intent to cause detriment to, another person, accompanied by the use of coercive measures, to be carried out at some point in the future if the demand is not met. This may also include the use and/or threatened use of face-to-face force or violence, provided there is a threat of continued violence if the demand is not met. Coercive measures include, but are not limited to: the threat of force or violence; the misuse of authority; criminal prosecution; the destruction of a person's reputation or social standing; or the destruction of a person's property.
A bottle or glass either broken or unbroken.
Any noxious or irritant liquid, powder, gas, or spray that is used to immobilise, incapacitate or injure another person either temporarily or permanently.
Community location
Any location where the primary activity is the provision of services/facilities for public use. Includes schools and other educational facilities; hospitals and other health facilities; churches and other religious establishments; car parks, buses, trains, terminals and other transport facilities; police stations, court houses, and other justice facilities; streets and footpaths; and open spaces not reserved for specific functions or attached to some other facility.
A room or suite of rooms, both private and non-private, which may or may not be self-contained. A dwelling can be a house, flat, tent, or residential quarters attached to shops or offices, and also includes motels, hostels, nursing homes, etc.
Any potentially lethal, barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet, or other missile is able, or appears able, to be discharged. This includes but is not limited to: pistol, revolver, rifle, automatic/semi-automatic rifle, shotgun, military firearm, air gun, nail gun, cannon, imitation firearm, and implied firearm. Firearm excludes bow and arrow, cross bow, spear gun, and blowgun.
Homicide and related offences
The unlawful killing or the attempted unlawful killing of another person. This includes the ANZSOC groups of Murder (0111), Attempted Murder (0121) and Manslaughter (0131). For Recorded Crime - Victims output, this excludes conspiracy to murder offences and Driving causing death (0132).
Investigation finalised - no offender proceeded against
Cases where the investigation has been finalised but no offender has been proceeded against, either due to the circumstances of the alleged offenders or because the offence could not be verified. These cases are unlikely to be reopened.
Investigation finalised - offender proceeded against
Cases where the investigation has been finalised by the offender/s being proceeded against, either through court proceedings or non-court proceedings.
Investigation not finalised
Cases where the investigation has not been finalised and no offender has been proceeded against at the time of recording the outcome. This includes cases where the investigation is ongoing or pending/suspended.
The unlawful confinement of a person against that person's will, or against the will of any parent, guardian or other person having lawful custody or care of that person.
Any cutting instrument consisting essentially of a thin blade (usually made of steel and with a sharp edge) attached to a handle. This includes, but is not limited to: ballistic knife, sheath knife, kitchen knife, and implied knife. It excludes: butterfly knife, razor, star knife, trench knife, cleaver, machete, scythe, sickle, sword, and axe.
The initial site where an offence occurred, determined on the basis of use or function. Any surrounding land, yard or parking area connected to the building or facility, as well as any other structures existing at the location are assigned to the same category of use. Locations which are multi functional are categorised according to their primary function, with the exception of a multifunctional location which includes the provision of residential accommodation. Those parts used for residential purposes are classified to 'residential' regardless of the main function of the location. Thus, a residential college within university grounds is coded to 'residential' and not 'educational'.
Location other
Any location where the primary activity does not fit into either the 'Residential' or 'Community' categories. This may encompass any surrounding land/yard/car parking area, together with any other structures existing at the location.
The unlawful killing of another person while deprived of the power of self-control by provocation, or under circumstances amounting to diminished responsibility or without intent to kill, as a result of a careless, reckless, negligent, unlawful or dangerous act (other than the act of driving).
Motor vehicle theft
The taking of another person's motor vehicle illegally and without permission, with the intent of temporarily or permanently depriving the owner/possessor of the use of the motor vehicle. Excludes attempted motor vehicle theft.
The unlawful killing of another person where there is one or more of the following: the intent to kill; the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, with the knowledge that it was probable that death or grievous bodily harm would occur (reckless indifference to life); without intent to kill in the course of committing a crime (felony murder).
A victim who does not self-identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin.
Any act or omission by a person, persons, organisation, or organisations, for which a penalty could be imposed by the Australian legal system.
Other theft
The unlawful taking or obtaining of money or goods, not involving the use of force, threat of force or violence, coercion or deception, with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner or possessor of the use of the money or goods, or the receiving or handling of money or goods obtained unlawfully. Includes the ANZSOC groups of Theft of motor vehicle parts or contents (0813), Theft from a person (excluding by force) (0821), Theft from retail premises (0823), Theft (except motor vehicles) n.e.c. (0829), and Illegal use of property (except motor vehicles) (0841).
Other weapon
Any other instrument or substance (other than a firearm, knife, syringe, bottle/glass, bat/bar/club, or chemical), capable of inflicting damage, injury, or death. This includes, but is not limited to: sharp instrument; blunt instrument; hammer; axe; bow and arrow; crossbow; spear gun; blow gun; rope; wire; explosive; vehicle; other dangerous article; imitation weapons (excluding imitation firearms, knives and syringes).
Outbuilding/residential land
Excluding dwellings, this includes buildings or land which lie within the boundaries of the residential location. Examples include carports, clothes lines, attached and unattached garages, gazebos, etc.
Outcome of investigation
The status of a police investigation after a period of 30 days has elapsed since the recording of the incident by police.
Miscellaneous finalisations
Includes cases that have been transferred to a different jurisdiction, superseded offences, duplicate records, and records which are additional offences.
Any location where the primary activity is the provision of recreational facilities. This definition may encompass any surrounding land/yard/car/parking area, together with any other structures existing at the location. Includes cinemas, gymnasiums, sporting ground/oval, dance halls and amusement parlours.
Relationship of offender to victim
The relationship of offender to victim is defined as the relationship of the alleged offender to the victim as perceived by the victim at the time of the offence.
- Known to victim: This is where the offender is known to the victim. This includes both family and non-family members.
- Family member: This is where the offender is a family member. The group includes partners, parents, children, siblings, boyfriends/girlfriends and other related family members.
- Partner: Where the victim and the offender are married, in a de facto relationship or where the offender is the victim's boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Other family member: Where the offender is a blood relative or a relative by marriage including parents, children, siblings and other related family members such as cousins and grandparents. Step parents/brothers/sisters are included, as are in-laws.
- Non-family member: This is where the offender is known and is not a family member. The group includes ex-partners, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, and other non-family members.
- Ex-partner: Where the victim and the offender were no longer in a partnered relationship at the time of the offence. This includes where the relationship has ended through separation or divorce or where the offender was the ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend of the victim.
- Other non-family member: Where the offender is known to the victim and is not a relative. This includes a variety of people such as foster parents, teachers, acquaintances, colleagues, friends, etc.
- Stranger: The victim has seen the offender but does not personally know them.
- No offender identified: This is to be used in cases where no information is available about the offender. This may include where police have recorded an offender, however, due to other circumstances (e.g. death of victim) further details were unable to be obtained; or where the victim was knocked unconscious, blindfolded, etc. and was unable to identify the offender.
- Not applicable: This is where the victim is not a person (i.e. an organisation, motor vehicle or premises).
- Not stated/inadequately described: This is where a relationship of offender to victim has not been recorded or the information supplied is insufficient to classify elsewhere.
Any location containing a permanent or semi-permanent dwelling used for private or commercial residential purposes. This definition may encompass any surrounding land/yard connected to the dwelling, together with any other structures existing at the location.
A location where the primary activity is the selling of goods or the provision of services to customers for personal/household use. This definition may encompass any surrounding land/yard/car/parking area, together with any other structures existing at the location. Includes chemists, service stations, restaurants, florists and supermarkets.
The unlawful taking of property, with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property, from the immediate possession, control, custody or care of a person or organisation, accompanied by the use, and/or threatened use, of immediate force or violence.
Sexual assault
Physical contact, or intent of contact, of a sexual nature directed toward another person where that person does not give consent, gives consent as a result of intimidation or deception, or consent is proscribed (i.e. the person is legally deemed incapable of giving consent because of youth, temporary/permanent (mental) incapacity or there is a familial relationship).
A small device consisting of a tube, narrowed at its outlet, and fitted with either a piston or a rubber bulb for drawing in a quantity of fluid and ejecting it in a stream.
Unarmed robbery
Instances of robbery where there was no weapon used or implied in the commission of the offence, or where weapon use was unknown or not stated.
Unlawful entry with intent (UEWI)
The unlawful entry of a structure with the intent to commit an offence, where the entry is either forced or unforced. Excludes shop-stealing and stealing from a house or premise into which the offender has been invited or has legitimate access, whereby the intent was unlawful but the entry was not. Also excludes trespass whereby entry is unlawful but there is no intent to commit an offence. A structure is defined as a building that is contained by walls and can be secured in some form. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: dwelling (e.g. house, flat, caravan), office, bank, shop, factory, school, and church.
UEWI - Involving the taking of property
The unlawful entry of a structure with the intent to commit a criminal act, resulting in the taking of property from the structure.
UEWI - Other
The unlawful entry of a structure with the intent to commit a criminal act, but not resulting in the taking of property from the structure.
The definition of victim varies according to the offence category, and can either be a person, premise, organisation, or motor vehicle.
Victimisation rate
The number of victims per 100,000 of the Estimated Resident Population (ERP). For more information, refer to paragraphs 17-20 of the Explanatory Notes.
A weapon is defined as any object that can be used to cause injury or fear of injury. It also includes imitation weapons and implied weapons (e.g. where a weapon is not seen by the victim but the offender claims to possess one). Parts of the body such as fists and feet are not included as a weapon.
Weapon used n.f.d
A weapon was used, sighted or implied during the commission of the offence but the nature of the weapon is unknown or cannot be identified.