From this issue, the following changes have been applied to the composition of the Least Developed Countries, Developing Countries and OPEC country groupings:
- South Sudan is included in the Least Developed Countries and Developing Countries groupings. These changes impact on statistics in time series spreadsheet table 2 in this publication. The new composition applies to the whole time series. Time series IDs remain the same.
- The OPEC country grouping has been amended to include Angola and Ecuador and exclude Gabon, Indonesia and Niger to match current membership. The OPEC group includes Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Time series spreadsheet tables and tables in this publication do not include the OPEC country group and have not been affected. International merchandise trade data available on request including the OPEC country group is affected. The new composition is applied to the whole time series.