December 18, 1998 | Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST) | 153/98 |
New picture of young people in the Australian Capital Territory
A new publication, Australian Capital Territory's Young People was officially launched today by the Minister for Education, Mr Bill Stefaniak, MLA, and Ms Dalma Jacobs, ACT Regional Director for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
The publication was prepared by the ABS for the National Youth Affairs Research Scheme and used 1996 Census data to provide a unique insight into 12 to 25 year olds in the Australian Capital Territory. It also compares Australian Capital Territory's young people with the rest of the nation.
Among the publication's key findings are that:
- In the ACT, 12 to 25 year olds represented 24% of people counted. This was the highest proportion of all States and Territories. Over 57% of all young people in the ACT were counted in the Statistical Sub-Divisions of Belconnen (31%) and Tuggeranong (26%).
- From 1986 to 1996 the population in the ACT grew by 20%. This was much higher than the National growth of 14% over the same period. The proportion of young people declined from 26% to 24% over the 10 year period.
- Of all States and Territories, young people in the ACT had the second lowest proportion (1.2%) of people who reported as being of Indigenous origin.
- The main originating countries of young people born overseas were the United Kingdom (15%), New Zealand (7 %), Viet Nam (6%) and Hong Kong (4%).
- About 57% of 12 to 25 year olds were still living with their parents, 43% as dependent children (under 15 years) or dependent students (aged 15 to 24 years). This was the second highest proportion of all States and Territories after Victoria (45%). The remaining 14% were living with their parents as non-dependent children.
- More young women (16%) than young men (8%) had moved from the family home, forming partnerships and their own families.
- At 62%, the ACT had the highest proportion of young people in education of all the States and Territories, mainly because of the relatively high level of participation in University and Technical and further education (38% of all young people in education).
- Levels of qualifications also increased from 1991 to 1996 with over 10% of young people (aged 15-25 years) having attained a bachelor degree or higher in 1996 compared with 7% in 1991. This increase was the highest of all States and Territories.
- Between 1991 and 1996, the proportion of 15 to 25 year olds who were working part-time increased from 21% to 26%, while the proportion working full-time decreased by 4%. A higher proportion of 15 to 25 year old females were in part-time work (51%) than males (38%).
Details are in Australian Capital Territory's Young People (cat. no.4123.8) available in all ABS bookshops. A summary of the publication's findings can be found on this site.