Rachael Uhr, Social Policy Advisor from the Queensland Local Government Association recently spoke at the Community Indicators Summit held in Brisbane on 22-23 July 2009. Rachael's presentation explored how the Queensland Local Government landscape is changing quickly with the introduction of the new Local Government Act, legislated community plans, amalgamations, regionalism, rapid growth, increased development, shifting and ageing populations. Rachael emphasised the importance of community indicators in Local Government planning and service delivery and their impact on the social, economic and physical fabric of the local community.
Around 170 delegates from government, academia and community organisations were keen to put forward their questions, ideas and thoughts during the Summit. Community-based indicators are becoming a hot topic as global discussion increases on the need to develop a more comprehensive view of progress than just the economic one (Gross Domestic Product).
The Community Indicators Summit is just one of hundreds of initiatives being held around the world relating to measuring progress and well-being at international, national and sub-national levels. Outcomes from the Summit, including the Summit declaration prepared by delegates, will be presented as part of Australia's contribution to the 3rd Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) World Forum on 'Statistics, Knowledge and Policy' to be held in Busan, Korea in October 2009.
The Summit, hosted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), is also an important event for advancing the National Statistical Service (NSS). The Summit highlighted the benefits of having integrated information management methods and promoted a coordinated, coherent and consistent approach to the development of community indicators across Australia.
The Summit video presentations are available through the NSS website. See www.nss.gov.au/communityindicators09 for more details.
If you would like more information on the Summit or future NSS events please email inquiries@nss.gov.au.
The Regional Statistics theme page is a great place to start if you are looking for data or information about regional statistics. The Regional Releases page has recently been updated to make it even easier to find the data that you are looking for.
The Regional Releases page contains links to ABS products containing regional data, organised under the topic headings Economy, Population and People, Industry and Environment and Energy. The page also includes links to compendia products, such as the National Regional Profile and state-specific publications. The Noticeboard is updated regularly to provide users with information on the latest developments in regional statistics, while the theme page also provides links to other relevant theme pages and information about using and interpreting statistics.
For help in finding data for your Local Government Area and information about how to keep up to date with the latest ABS releases and available training, click on the following link to view the
'Services We Provide to Local Government' information pages.
Alternatively, go to the
ABS Home Page, click on 'Services' along the top navigation bar and follow the link to 'Local Government'.
This newsletter is designed to improve communication between the ABS and the Local Government Sector. New ABS initiatives to assist local government organisations will be announced in this newsletter as they evolve.
We appreciate receiving your views and suggestions about this newsletter so that it remains useful and assists you to understand and use ABS statistics. We also welcome suggestions for articles that you feel should be included. Please email your comments and suggestions to
regional.statistics@abs.gov.au or telephone (08) 8237 7350.
For other enquiries contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or e-mail
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