TAKE CARE! The estimates in this release have been revised back to July 2004 due to improved methodology used in the Overseas Arrivals and Departures system. See NOTES section for details.
1 Changes in this issue: In 2013, the ABS completed a rebuild of the system which creates OAD data. The rebuild of the system has necessitated a revised time series for OAD data from July 2004 to December 2013. There is a break in series from July 2004. For information on the changes and improvements arising from the rebuild of the OAD system see the Notes section of this issue or "3401.0 - Rebuild of Overseas Arrivals and Departures System" in PDF format under the Downloads tab of this issue.
2 For information about the data see the Explanatory Notes section of this issue and the related Appendices such as Data Quality Issues (Appendix 2).
3 Short term movements are based on a sample and are subject to sampling error. See paragraphs 9 to 11 of the Explanatory Notes and the Standard Errors section of this issue.
4 Occasionally situations occur that necessitate breaks being applied to the trend series. For this issue there is a new break in series applied from July 2004. For an overview of the breaks currently included in the trend series see paragraph 26 of the Explanatory Notes section of this issue.
5 For any updates or changes to the data refer to the Notes section of this issue.