35 Writing once/publishing many times is an important direction for statistical publishing. It improves efficiency and ensures that statistics on the same socioeconomic and environmental phenomena published by the ABS are consistent. The latter is an important issue as increasingly the same statistics are published in different dissemination channels such as paper publications, CD-ROM, and web site, and in different formats such as Excel or ASCII. The key to mitigating against the risk of publishing inconsistent data is to use the same input source for outputting in different channels/formats. Over the past 10 or so years, the ABS has developed and established good data management principles and practices, and supporting infrastructure including the ABS Information Warehouse which provides the source of statistics, and the Publication Production Workbench which supports the production of source documents in HTML, PDF and Excel formats, to support this direction. The work by an international group to develop an international standard protocol for exchanging data and converting data to multiple output formats i.e. Standard Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) for time series data, will provide another effective world wide tool for data exchange.