International Youth Day - 12 August 2008.
Each year on August 12 the world celebrates International Youth Day. This day of awareness was designated by the United Nations in 1999 and the first International Youth Day was in August 2000. As with other political awareness days, the purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding an endangered demographic. It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide.
The theme for this year’s event was Youth and Climate Change: Time for Action,reflecting the growing call by young people for action to protect the planet from environmental degradation. Concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organizations took place around Australia, and the world, in honour of International Youth Day.
Children and Youth Statistics Advisory Group (CYSAG) meeting - 26 September 2008, Canberra.
The Children and Youth Statistics Advisory Group (CYSAG) met in September, with the main focus of discussion being the review of the Children and Youth Information Development Plan. Discussion also included updates on statistical developments from the ABS and member agencies.
More information on CYSAG is available on the Children and Youth Statistics theme page on the ABS web site.
NatStats08 Conference
The NatStats08 Conference - 19-21 November 2008, Melbourne.
The conference was designed to connect users and producers of official statistics and provide an opportunity for participants to discuss strategies for improving statistics for policy and decision makers. The focus of the conference was measuring progress in Australian society and future information needs. An array of high profile policy and decision makers from across the community and overseas were invited to ensure a varied and exciting program. The conference was divided into three main themes: Informing the Nation; Measuring the Progress of Society and Informing the Environment Debate. There was also a showcase session that demonstrated Information Platforms and State planning initiatives. The Conference is linked with the global initiative being led by the OECD on Measuring Progress in Societies and with the Australian initiatives being developed through the 2020 Summit and the National Reform Agenda.
The NatStats08 web site provides detailed information about all aspects of the conference.

30th International Association for Time Use Conference 2008
The 30th International Association for Time Use Conference will be held in Sydney from 1 - 3 December 2008. The theme of the conference is Advances in Time Use Research: Methods, Analysis & Applications. For more information see the IATUR web site.
Early Childhood Research Conference - New Zealand
The 11th New Zealand Early Childhood Research Conference will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, from 22 - 23 January 2009.
The purpose of the conference is to provide a helpful and stimulating forum for researchers to present, and for participants to learn about the latest research, research methodology, and theory in the early years of childhood (0 – 8 years). Researchers from Massey University in New Zealand and Monash University in Australia will be participating in the conference, along with researchers from other countries. The conference is for researchers, student researchers, early childhood service providers, teachers and parents, adult educators, child and family advocates, child health specialists, policy analysts, policy makers – and anyone who has an interest in research relating to the care, health, learning and teaching of young children in the family, early childhood services, and community.
For more information on the conference see the Education and Parenting Research Network's
Childforum web site.