Data Item Level and label (PSS 2012 Data item label unless otherwise noted) | Status | Conceptual differences between 2005 and 2012 and comparability notes |
Demographics (Respondent) |  |  |
Main language spoken at home | New | Main language spoken at home was added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around cultural identity. |
Proficiency in spoken English (2005) | Removed | It was found that data for Proficiency in spoken English was not able to be collected for those with poor English language skills. See Data Collection for further details about PSS survey procedures which do not allow for proxy interviews (no interpreters). Data item was removed. |
Demographics (Partner) |  |  |
Main language spoken at home | New | Main language spoken at home was added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around cultural identity. |
Social Connectedness (Respondent) |  |  |
Participation in social activities in the last 3 months | New | Social connectedness items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Ability to ask for small favours from someone outside the household | New | Social connectedness items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Ability to get support in a time of crisis from outside the household | New | Social connectedness items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Source of support from outside the household in a time of crisis | New | Social connectedness items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Health (Respondent) |  |  |
Self assessed health status | New | A self assessed health item was added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Overall life satisfaction | New | A life satisfaction item was added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities around impacts of violence. |
Disability status (Respondent) |  |  |
Whether has disability or long term health condition | New | Disability items were added to the survey to provide information about experiences of violence for those with a disability. |
Disability type | New | Disability items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities information about experiences of violence for those with a disability. |
Disability status | New | Disability items were added to the survey to provide further analytical possibilities information about experiences of violence for those with a disability. |
Lifestyle Indicators (Respondent and partner) |  |  |
Drinking behaviours of person (2005) | Removed | In consultation with the SAG, it was generally agreed that information about the contribution of alcohol for a persons most recent incident of violence was felt to be a more robust indicator of the involvement alcohol in violence. Data item was removed. |
Drinking behaviours of partner (2005) | Removed | In consultation with the SAG, it was generally agreed that information about the contribution of alcohol for a persons most recent incident of violence was felt to be a more robust indicator of the involvement alcohol in violence. Data item was removed |
Whether current partner violent towards others (2005) | Removed | This item, without collecting considerable other information about a partner's violent behaviours towards others, was not felt to provide further insights or context around partner violence. After consultation with the SAG, the data item was removed |
Aggregates - Emotional Abuse | |  |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a current partner since age 15 | Revised | Information about a person's experience of Emotional Abuse by their current partner was collected in the 2005 PSS, however the definition of emotional abuse was changed considerably (to include extra behaviours) for the 2012 PSS and data are not comparable. For further detail, see the section below entitled: "Emotional Abuse by a partner Level". |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a current partner in the last 12 months | Revised | Information about a person's experience of Emotional Abuse by their current partner was collected in the 2005 PSS, however the definition of emotional abuse was changed considerably (to include extra behaviours) for the 2012 PSS and data are not comparable. For further detail, see the section below entitled: "Emotional Abuse by a partner Level". |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a previous partner since age 15 | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a previous partner in the last 12 months | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a current and/or previous partner since age 15 | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
Whether experienced emotional abuse by a current and/or previous partner in the last 12 months | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
Relationship to perpetrator (2005) | Removed | This item is for information about 'Whether still in relationship with Boy/girlfriend or date'. This was collected in 2012 but was not able to be output on the final file. |
Characteristics of the Most Recent Incident |  |  |
Still in relationship with fe/male perpetrator (2005) | Removed | This item is for information about 'Whether still in relationship with Boy/girlfriend or date'. This was collected in 2012 but was not able to be output on the final file. |
MRI Location of Incident | Revised | This is a revised item for the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows: For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
Police involvement after the most recent incident |  |  |
MRI Whether perception of incident not being a crime has changed over time | New | Perceptions of incident added to the survey to provide further context around whether perception of the incident being a crime has changed over time. |
MRI Main reason for change in perception of incident not being a crime | New | Reasons for change in perceptions of incident added to the survey to provide further context around what changed perceptions. |
MRI Assault All reasons police not contacted | New | Information about 'All reasons police not contacted' added to the survey to provide a broader context about why people don't contact police (collected in addition to the Main reason police not contacted). |
MRI Assault Main reason police not contacted | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response category |
01 Shame or embarrassment | 01 Shame/embarrassment |
02 Did not want person responsible arrested | 02 Did not want perpetrator arrested |
03 Did not regard it as a serious offence | 03 Did not regard it as a serious offence |
04 Did not know or think it was a crime | 04 Did not think police could do anything |
05 Did not think there was anything police could do | 05 Did not think police would do anything |
06 Did not trust police | 06 Would not be believed |
07 Did not think police would do anything | 07 Fear of perpetrator |
08 Would not be believed | 08 Fear of legal processes |
09 Fear of the person responsible | 09 Cultural reasons |
10 Fear of legal processes | 10 Language reasons |
11 Cultural reasons | 11 Did not want to ask for help |
12 Language reasons | 12 Felt that they could deal with it themselves |
13 Did not want to ask for help | 13 Other |
14 Felt that they could deal with it themselves | 14 Do not know |
15 Other | 15 Refused to answer |
16 Don't know/refusal |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
Support seeking behaviours after the most recent incident |  |  |
MRI Whether sought advice or support after incident | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around a person's help seeking behaviours for their experience of violence.
Related (not directly comparable) information was collected in PSS 2005 under the following data item labels:
- Help professional sought;
- Help support services used;
- Help talked to other people.
MRI Sources of advice or support sought | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around the type of sources of advice or support sought by persons experiencing violence.
Related (not directly comparable) information was collected in PSS 2005 under the following data item labels:
- Help professional sought;
- Help support services used;
- Help talked to other people.
MRI First person or service told | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around a person's first point of reveal about their experience of violence. |
Help reasons not used crisis help (2005) | Removed | This item was removed from the 2012 PSS as agreed by the Survey Advisory Group as the data at this level of detail was not able to be presented by the 8 types of violence as required by the Most recent incident level. |
Help reasons not used legal help (2005) | Removed | This item was removed from the 2012 PSS as agreed by the Survey Advisory Group as the data at this level of detail was not able to be presented by the 8 types of violence as required by the Most recent incident level. |
Help reasons not used financial help (2005) | Removed | This item was removed from the 2012 PSS as agreed by the Survey Advisory Group as the data at this level of detail was not able to be presented by the 8 types of violence as required by the Most recent incident level. |
Help reasons not used other help (2005) | Removed | This item was removed from the 2012 PSS as agreed by the Survey Advisory Group as the data at this level of detail was not able to be presented by the 8 types of violence as required by the Most recent incident level. |
Fear or change to routine after the most recent incident |  |  |
MRI Non-PV How often anxiety or fear experienced in the last 12 months | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would not recommend attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response category |
1 All of the time | 1 Every day |
2 Most of the time | 2 Weekly |
3 Some of the time | 3 Monthly |
4 A little of the time | 4 Less than once per month |
5 Once only |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
Characteristics of Partner Violence |  |  |
VIO Partner Whether experienced violence by partner in the last 12 months | New | Further information about experience of partner violence in the last 12 months added to the survey to provide a context of time frame to the relationship data being reported. |
VIO Partner Whether experienced violence by partner once or more than once in the last 12 months | New | Further information about experience of partner violence in the last 12 months added to the survey to provide a context of time frame to the relationship data being reported. |
VIO Partner How often partner violence experienced during relationship | Revised | This data item was revised for the 2012 PSS and replaces two data items which were collected in 2005. This new data item is not strictly comparable with the 2005 items. The ABS would not recommend attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Data Item "Frequency of Violence" | 2005 Data Item "How often (on average) during the relationship violence occurred" |
1 All of the time | 1 Often | 1 Every day |
2 Most of the time | 2 Sometimes | 2 Weekly |
3 Some of the time | 3 Rarely | 3 Monthly |
4 A little of the time | 4 One incident of violence | 4 Less than once per month |
5 Once only |  |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
Violence occurred while living with previous partner (during the relationship) (2005) | Removed | This data item was not specifically derived for 2012.
If needed, information about Whether violence occurred while living with previous partner (during the relationship) could be derived from those who responded to the data items for 'Main reason relationship with previous partner ended' and 'Main reason relationship with previous partner ended' - these items were only collected for those persons whose violence occurred while living with previous partner. |
VIO Partner Total length of relationship | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
VIO Partner Whether violence seen or heard by children in the last 12 months | New | Further information about whether any of partner violence that was seen or heard by children happened in the last 12 months was added to the survey to provide further context. |
Separations from partner |  |  |
VIO Partner Reasons for returning to partner | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response Category |
1 Partner promised to stop assaults, threats or abuse | 1 Partner promised to stop abuse |
2 No money/financial support | 2 No money/financial support |
3 Nowhere to go | 3 Nowhere to go |
4 Sake of children | 4 Sake of children |
5 Shame or embarrassment | 5 Shame of divorce |
6 Fear of partner | 6 Fear of partner |
7 Commitment to the relationship | 7 Other |
8 Other |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
VIO Partner Main reason for wanting to leave current partner | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response Category |
1 Partner's assaults, threats or abuse to respondent | 1 Because of partner's assaults, abuse or threats to respondent/children |
2 Partner's assaults, threats or abuse to child/ren | 2 Concern for children's safety |
3 Concern for children's safety | 3 Concern for own safety |
4 Concern for own safety | 4 Other |
5 Thought things were never going to change |  |
6 Other |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
VIO Partner Main reason unable to leave current partner | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response Category |
1 No money/financial support | 1 No money/financial support |
2 Nowhere to go | 2 Nowhere to go |
3 Sake of children | 3 Sake of children |
4 Sake of pets | 4 Shame of divorce |
5 Shame or embarrassment | 5 Fear of partner |
6 Fear of partner | 6 Cultural reasons |
7 Cultural reasons | 7 Other |
8 Commitment to the relationship |  |
9 Other |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
VIO Partner Whether ever moved away form home during any temporary separation/s | Revised | This data item was collected in 2005 for Current Partner violence, but is new to the 2012 PSS for Previous Partner violence (thus is it listed as "revised", rather than "new"). |
VIO Partner All places stayed during temporary separations | New | Further information about final separations was collected in the 2012 PSS to understand impacts of temporary separations. |
VIO Previous Partner Whether ever had to leave property or assets behind when relationship ended | New | Further information was collected about loss of property or assets when relationship with previous partner finally ended (this information was only collected about Current partner temporary separations in 2005) |
VIO Partner All places stayed when relationship with previous partner finally ended | New | Further information about separations was collected in the 2012 PSS to understand impacts of final separation.
Anxiety or fear experienced |  |  |
VIO Partner Whether ever experienced anxiety or fear due to previous partner violence | Revised | In 2012 the scope of this question was expanded to ask about whether the respondent had ever experienced anxiety or fear due to previous partner violence (rather than just during the period of time when they were living with the previous partner, which was the scope in 2005). |
VIO Partner How often anxiety or fear experienced due to previous partner violence. | Revised response categories | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. In addition the scope of the item being expanded to include those who had ever experienced anxiety or fear due to previous partner violence (as per above item), changes were also made to response categories between surveys. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response Category |
1 All of the time | 1 Every day |
2 Most of the time | 2 Weekly |
3 Some of the time | 3 Monthly |
4 A little of the time | 4 Once per month |
5 Once only |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
VIO Partner How often anxiety or fear experienced in the last 12 months due to partner violence | Revised response categories | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response Category |
1 All of the time | 1 Every day |
2 Most of the time | 2 Weekly |
3 Some of the time | 3 Monthly |
4 A little of the time | 4 Once per month |
5 Once only |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
VIO Partner Changes to usual routine in the last 12 months due to experiencing anxiety or fear | New | Further information about anxiety and fear due to partner violence was collected in the 2012 PSS. |
Police Involvement |  |  |
VIO Partner Whether police ever contacted about violence by partner | New | Further information about police involvement for partner violence was collected in the 2012 PSS. |
VIO Partner Whether partner was ever charged by police | New | Further information about charges ever being laid for partner violence was collected in the 2012 PSS. |
VIO Partner Whether partner ever went to court | New | Further information about partner court appearances due to their violence was collected in the 2012 PSS. |
Support seeking behaviours |  |  |
VIO Partner Whether ever sought advice or support about violence by partner | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around a person's help seeking behaviours for their experience of partner violence. |
VIO Partner Sources of advice or support ever sought about violence by partner | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around the type of sources of advice or support sought by persons experiencing partner violence. |
VIO Partner First person or service told about violence by partner | New | This new item was included in the 2012 PSS to provide context around a person's first point of reveal about their experience of violence. |
EMOTIONAL ABUSE LEVEL | New Level | In the 2012 PSS a suite of questions were added which collected a persons experience of certain emotionally abusive behaviours by a current partner and by their most recently emotionally abusive male and/or female previous partner. For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
EMAB Types of behaviours experienced | New | In 2005, only emotional abuse data was collected from persons with a current partner, and only certain behaviours were collected. A comparison between 2005 and 2012 emotionally abusive behaviours is laid out below, the ABS would not recommend making comparisons between the two data sets.
2012 Behaviours | 2005 Behaviours (current partner emotional abuse only) |
01 Stopped or tried to stop you from contacting family, friends or community | 1 Tried to prevent contact with family or friends |
02 Stopped or tried to stop you from using the telephone, internet or family car | 2 Tried to prevent use of the telephone or car |
03 Controlled or tried to control where you went or who you saw | 3 Tried to prevent knowledge about or access to family money |
04 Monitored your whereabouts (e.g. constant phone calls) | 4 Insulted with the intent to shame, belittle or humiliate |
05 Stopped or tried to stop you knowing about or having access to household money | 5 Threatened to harm children |
06 Stopped or tried to stop you from working or earning money | 6 Threatened to harm other family/friends |
07 Stopped or tried to stop you from studying | 7 Damaged or destroyed property |
08 Deprived you of basic needs such as food, shelter, sleep or assistive aids | 8 Threatened to harm or harmed pets |
09 Damaged, destroyed or stole any of your property | 9 Threatened suicide |
10 Constantly insulted you to make you feel ashamed, belittled or humiliated (eg put-downs) | 10 None of these |
11 Lied to your child/ren with the intent of turning them against you |  |
12 Lied to other family members or friends with the intent of turning them against you |  |
13 Threatened to take your child/ren away from you |  |
14 Threatened to harm your child/ren |  |
15 Threatened to harm your other family members or friends |  |
16 Threatened to harm any of your pets |  |
17 Harmed any of your pets |  |
18 Threatened or tried to commit suicide |  |
19 Behaviours experienced undetermined |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
EMAB How often emotional abuse experienced | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
EMAB Whether ever experienced anxiety or fear due to emotional abuse | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
EMAB Whether experienced anxiety or fear in the last 12 months due to emotional abuse | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
EMAB Whether experienced emotional abuse by more than one previous partner | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
EMAB When emotional abuse last occurred | New | This is a new item in the 2012 PSS. |
ABUSE LEVEL | No changes |  |
SEX HRS Index - Type experienced | Revised | The definition of sexual harassment was changed for the 2012 PSS when compared to the 2005 PSS. In 2012 respondents were provided with a more refined definition of sexual harassment and an additional type of sexual harassment behaviour was added.
A comparison between 2005 and 2012 emotionally abusive behaviours is laid out below, the ABS would not recommend making comparisons between the two data sets.
2012 Behaviours
Behaviours the respondent experienced that they found improper or offensive due to their sexual nature - | 2005 Behaviours
Threats to personal safety that the respondent experienced - |
1 Indecent phone call | 1 Obscene phone call |
2 Indecent text, email or post | 2 Indecent exposure |
3 Indecent exposure | 3 Inappropriate comments |
4 Inappropriate comments | 4 Unwanted sexual touching |
5 Unwanted touching, grabbing, kissing or fondling |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
STK When stalking started | Note | Please note that the 2005 item When most recent incident occurred actually measures when the most recent stalking incident began. This item is therefore directly comparable with the 2012 item STK When stalking started. |
STK Whether experienced stalking in the last 12 months | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 aggregate on the person level of the same name. In the 2005 PSS, the data item WSTALK Whether experienced stalking in the last 12 months actually measures whether a respondent's most recent incident of stalking had begun in the last 12 months (refer to above item).
For 2012, this item has been revised and measures the number of person's who experienced stalking in the last 12 months as follows:
- The category Experienced stalking in the last 12 months includes: a) where stalking began in the last 12 months; b) where stalking started more than 12 months ago and has not stopped; and c) where stalking started more than 12 months ago and stopped within the last 12 months.
- The category Did not experience stalking in the last 12 months includes: a) a small number of persons who experienced stalking that started more than 12 months ago and has stopped, but it was not determined whether stalking had stopped within the last 12 months; and b) a small number of persons for whom it was not determined whether stalking had occurred in the last 12 months.
Therefore, the 2012 and 2005 data items are not comparable. This revised version of the data item is not available for 2005. |
Police involvement |  |  |
STK All reasons police not contacted | New | Information about 'All reasons police not contacted' was added to the survey to provide a broader context about why people don't contact police (collected in addition to the Main reason police not contacted) |
STK Main reason police not contacted | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would recommend caution in attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response category |
01 Shame or embarrassment | 01 Shame/embarrassment |
02 Did not want person responsible arrested | 02 Did not want perpetrator arrested |
03 Did not regard it as a serious offence | 03 Did not regard it as a serious offence |
04 Did not know or think it was a crime | 04 Did not think police could do anything |
05 Did not think there was anything police could do | 05 Did not think police would do anything |
06 Did not trust police | 06 Would not be believed |
07 Did not think police would do anything | 07 Fear of perpetrator |
08 Would not be believed | 08 Fear of legal processes |
09 Fear of the person responsible | 09 Cultural reasons |
10 Fear of legal processes | 10 Language reasons |
11 Cultural reasons | 11 Did not want to ask for help |
12 Language reasons | 12 Felt that they could deal with it themselves |
13 Did not want to ask for help | 13 Other |
14 Felt that they could deal with it themselves | 14 Do not know |
15 Other | 15 Refused to answer |
16 Don't know/refusal |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |
Fear or change to routine after the stalking incident |  |  |
STK How often anxiety or fear experienced in the last 12 months due to stalking episode | Revised | This is a revised item in the 2012 PSS and is not strictly comparable with the 2005 item. The ABS would not recommend attempting to compare these data. Response category differences are as follows:
2012 Response category | 2005 Response category |
1 All of the time | 1 Every day |
2 Most of the time | 2 Weekly |
3 Some of the time | 3 Monthly |
4 A little of the time | 4 Less than once per month |
5 Once only |  |
For further definitional details, see the Glossary. |