Labour Costs, Australia (cat. no. 6348.0)
Name of Organisation
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Labour Statistics Centre
GPO Box K881
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Name/Title of Product
Labour Costs, Australia (cat. no. 6348.0)
Dissemination Media
Publication $25.00 per issue.
About these statistics
Mr Rory Carle
Senior Manager
Labour Statistics Centre Output Group
Telephone: (08) 9360 5286
To purchase these statistics
Please refer to Part C - ABS Services of this directory.
Broad Description
Employer labour costs (including employer provided superannuation).
Purpose of Data
To provide information on the costs to employers of employing labour.
Detailed Description
All private and public sector employees in all States and Territories and in all industries except Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. Private households employing staff, and Australian permanent defence forces are also excluded.
Superannuation Data Items
Superannuation costs given are the total payments made by employers with respect to superannuation liabilities incurred. For the private sector these are contributions paid on a regular basis into superannuation funds. For payments, the cost of pensioner lump sum payments which are not covered by contributions during the employees service are also included. Superannuation data are presented in the following basis; total cost, cost per employee, cost per employee covered by superannuation, cost as a percentage of major labour costs and cost as a ratio to employees covered by superannuation.
Data are available by sector, State and Territory, employer size, industry, institutional sector and level of government.
Data are collected by the ABS in the Survey of Major Labour Costs.
Method of Collection
The survey is conducted by mail covering private and public sector employer units selected from the ABS Register of Businesses. Superannuation Boards and Treasury Departments provide some information for government organisations directly to the ABS.
Between three to five years.
Twelve months after the reference period.
Historical Data
Data are available from 1985-96 in respect of private sector. Data from 1986-87 includes the public sector.
Geographic Breakdown
Data are available for Australia, each State and Territory.
Confidentiality and Availability
Data are subject to confidentiality restrictions under the Census and Statistics Act 1905. Data at less aggregated levels may also be have lower levels of reliability due to high sampling error.
Unpublished Information
Unpublished data are available on request, subject to the restrictions above.