This discussion paper presents the findings of the ABS’ feasibility study into cultural and creative activity satellite accounts. Feedback or inquiries from stakeholders are welcome and will be considered, as part of plans to take this work forward, for an upcoming ABS information paper on this topic. The information paper will present a final ABS position on the proposed approach, data and investment priorities.
Feedback from stakeholders is particularly sought on:
- the data items and statistical output required, how frequently this information is needed, and how it would be used;
- the proposal to produce satellite accounts individually for cultural activity, creative activity, and combined cultural and creative activity;
- the proposed scope of the satellite accounts, particularly components 2-4;
- the industries and occupations used to define cultural and creative activity (listed in Appendices 2 and 3);
- the proposed estimation methods;
- whether their concept of cultural/creative tourism is sufficiently captured by ‘cultural services’ in the ABS’ tourism satellite accounts; and
- the investment priorities for developing and improving the quality of the satellite accounts.
Feedback or inquiries should be forwarded by 30 August 2013 to:
Assistant Director
National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics
GPO Box 2272
Adelaide SA 5001