Feature Article - Gross External Debt
Quarterly statistics on Australia's foreign debt have been published as a component of the international investment position (IIP) for many years. International investment statistics are compiled in accordance with the standards set out in the Fifth Edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5, 1993).
The level of Australia's foreign debt is presented in detail in Table 35 of this publication, with data on debt transactions presented in Table 34. Both tables show debt assets (where Australian residents have a non-equity claim on non-residents), debt liabilities (where non-residents have a non-equity claim on Australian residents) and the net debt position. A summary of the net foreign debt position, in reconciliation format, is presented in Table 2.
More recently, the External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (available on the IMF website http://www.imf.org/external/np/sta/ed/guide.htm) has introduced the concept of "external debt", which differs from the definition of foreign debt that the ABS uses in the IIP. The difference is that external debt excludes financial derivatives. The Guide's external debt presentation also includes only debt liabilities, with no provision for the presentation or netting off of debt assets.
In keeping with Australia's reporting obligations under the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard, to which Australia and 52 other countries have subscribed, the ABS will publish each quarter in this publication external debt statistics in addition to the existing foreign debt statistics. This will enable analysts to have external debt data available on a basis comparable with the statistics produced by other countries.
The table below presents Australia's external debt according to the Guide's formulation. Financial derivative liabilities are shown as a memorandum item to reconcile external debt with foreign debt liabilities presented in Table 35.
This information is provided in a table in the 'Analysis' section of the publication. The table will be incorporated into the main body of the tables from next quarter.
Gross External Debt Liabilities (a) (b) (c) - Levels - $million
|  |
 | Sep Qtr | Dec Qtr | Mar Qtr | Jun Qtr | Sep Qtr |  |
 | 2002 | 2002 | 2002 | 2003 | 2003 p | |
|  |
Direct investment liabilities | 61,984 | 68,175 | 65,813 | 63,058 | 63,770 |  |
External debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises
| 12,133 | 12,553 | 12,503 | 12,639 | 13,236 |  |
External debt liabilities to direct investors
| 49,851 | 55,622 | 53,310 | 50,419 | 50,534 |  |
 |  |
Other liabilities | 455,218 | 461,479 | 456,098 | 460,719 | 468,969 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 25,302 | 23,858 | 22,246 | 24,049 | 24,161 |  |
| 557 | 975 | 296 | 0 | 0 |  |
| 557 | 975 | 296 | 0 | 0 |  |
| 24,745 | 22,883 | 21,950 | 24,050 | 24,161 |  |
| 24,620 | 22,758 | 21,829 | 23,932 | 24,041 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 125 | 125 | 121 | 118 | 120 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 366,615 | 373,170 | 370,860 | 372,836 | 380,625 |  |
| 35 | 50 | 37 | 150 | 108 |  |
| 35 | 50 | 37 | 150 | 108 |  |
| 35 | 50 | 37 | 150 | 108 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 277,333 | 281,761 | 279,452 | 281,648 | 281,852 |  |
| 160,377 | 162,845 | 162,727 | 158,142 | 148,954 |  |
| 64,824 | 62,015 | 60,928 | 55,583 | 55,088 |  |
| 18 | 37 | 83 | 179 | 203 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 35,937 | 41,647 | 41,858 | 39,783 | 29,088 |  |
| 59,598 | 59,146 | 59,858 | 62,597 | 64,575 |  |
| 116,957 | 118,918 | 116,725 | 123,507 | 132,900 |  |
| 110,369 | 112,389 | 110,071 | 116,578 | 123,563 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 6,588 | 6,529 | 6,654 | 6,929 | 9,337 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Other financial corporations
| 89,247 | 91,359 | 91,371 | 91,038 | 98,665 |  |
| 19,571 | 19,052 | 14,090 | 12,995 | 13,260 |  |
| 6,331 | 6,797 | 5,157 | 3,068 | 4,347 |  |
| 919 | 580 | 450 | 564 | 530 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 12,321 | 11,675 | 8,483 | 9,363 | 8,383 |  |
| 69,675 | 72,306 | 77,283 | 78,042 | 85,406 |  |
| 68,541 | 71,187 | 75,712 | 76,613 | 83,986 |  |
| 23 | 24 | 24 | 26 | 26 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 1,111 | 1,095 | 1,547 | 1,403 | 1,394 |  |
 |  |
| 63,301 | 64,451 | 62,992 | 63,834 | 64,183 |  |
| 8,663 | 9,559 | 8,450 | 8,912 | 9,185 |  |
| 5,100 | 5,789 | 4,988 | 4,835 | 5,454 |  |
| 2,772 | 2,966 | 2,670 | 2,929 | 2,603 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 791 | 804 | 792 | 1,148 | 1,128 |  |
| 54,638 | 54,893 | 54,542 | 54,923 | 55,000 |  |
| 45,173 | 45,785 | 45,349 | 45,164 | 44,515 |  |
| 149 | 243 | 214 | 333 | 340 |  |
Loans and other liabilities
| 9,316 | 8,865 | 8,979 | 9,426 | 10,145 |  |
 |  |
GROSS EXTERNAL DEBT (d) | 517,202 | 529,653 | 521,911 | 523,779 | 532,740 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Financial derivative liabilities | 30,851 | 36,181 | 39,093 | 44,522 | 41,858 |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
FOREIGN DEBT LIABILITIES (e) | 548,053 | 565,834 | 561,004 | 568,301 | 574,598 |  |
|  |
(a) Instruments are valued at market value or best available proxy.
(b) Liabilities include accrued interest and exclude equity and financial derivative liabilities
(c) The short term/long term classification is on an original maturity basis.
(d) Gross External Debt as defined in External debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users.
(e) Foreign Debt as shown in ABS's International Investment Position.