The Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC), 2003 comprised a household questionnaire and a health establishment form. Users intending to purchase either the CURF or TableBuilder should ensure that the data they require, and the level of detail they need, are available in these products.
The SDAC Basic CURF contains 41,233 confidentialised respondent records from the survey. Subject to the limitations of the sample size and the data classifications used, it is possible to interrogate the CURF, produce tabulations and undertake statistical analyses to individual specifications.
A complete list of all data items included on the CURF is provided in the Downloads tab.
The SDAC TableBuilder file also contains 41,233 confidentialised respondent records from the survey. Data items are generally available for cross tabulation using the TableBuilder, although some restrictions may apply.
The data items which are available on the TableBuilder are the same as for the Basic CURF, except for Level 8 (All Recipients) which has not been released in TableBuilder. The reason Level 8 has not been released is due to the complexity involved in using and interpreting data on this level. Unlike other sub-person levels, the All Recipients level contains a ‘many to many’ relationship. This describes the ability for a ‘Recipient of care’ to have multiple 'Carers' while a 'Carer' can also have multiple ‘Recipients of care’. To discuss your data needs relating to this level, please contact the ABS National Information Referral Service (NIRS) on 1300 135 070.
The data items on Level 8 which are not available on the TableBuilder are listed below:
Disability status of the recipient(s) of care
Age of recipient(s) of care
Mapped sex of recipient(s) of care
Main condition of recipient(s) of care
Main disability of recipient(s) of care
Relationship of carer to recipient of care
Whether carer provides assistance with cognitive or emotional tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with communication tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with private transport tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with health care tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with household tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with meal preparation tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with mobility tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with home maintenance or gardening tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with reading and writing tasks
Whether carer provides assistance with self-care tasks
Person number of recipient(s) of care