The following tables are available electronically via the ABS web site.
Note: not all series in the table go back to the earliest start date.
 | Publication table no.(a) | Electronic table no.(a) | Start date(b) |
Dwelling units approved, New South Wales | na | 1 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, Victoria | na | 2 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, Queensland | na | 3 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, South Australia | na | 4 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, Western Australia | na | 5 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, all series, Australia | 1 | 6 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, percentage change, Australia | 2 | na | .. |
Total dwelling units approved, state and territories, number | 3 | 7 | July 1983 |
Total dwelling units approved, states and territories, percentage change | 4 | na | .. |
Private sector houses approved, states and territories | 5 | 8 | July 1983 |
Private sector houses approved, states and territories, percentage change | 6 | na | .. |
Dwelling units approved, states and territories, by type | 7 | 9 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, by Capital City Statistical Division, original | 8 | 10 | July 1983 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, original, Australia | 9 | 11 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, New South Wales | 10 | 12 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Victoria | 10 | 13 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Queensland | 10 | 14 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, South Australia | 10 | 15 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Western Australia | 10 | 16 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Tasmania | 10 | 17 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Northern Territory | 10 | 18 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved, by sector, Australian Capital Territory | 10 | 19 | July 1970 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, original | 11 | 20 | January 1956 |
Value of dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, original | 11 | 21 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, New South Wales | 12 | 22 | January 1965 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Victoria | 12 | 23 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Queensland | 12 | 24 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, South Australia | 12 | 25 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Western Australia | 12 | 26 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Tasmania | 12 | 27 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Northern Territory | 12 | 28 | January 1956 |
Dwelling units approved in new residential buildings, number and value, Australian Capital Territory | 12 | 29 | January 1965 |
(a) na not available |
(b) .. not applicable |
 | Publication table no.(a) | Electronic table no.(a) | Start date(b) |
Value of building approved, New South Wales | na | 30 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Victoria | na | 31 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Queensland | na | 32 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, South Australia | na | 33 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Western Australia | na | 34 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Tasmania | na | 35 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Northern Territory | na | 36 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Australian Capital Territory | na | 37 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, Australia | 13 | 38 | January 1956 |
Value of building approved, Australia, percentage change | 14 | na | .. |
Value of total building approved, states and territories | 15 | 39 | July 1973 |
Value of total building approved, states and territories, percentage change | 16 | na | .. |
Value of total building approved, states and territories | 17 | 40 | July 1973 |
Value of non-residential building approved, states and territories | 18 | 41 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector | 19 | 42 | January 1961 |
Value of building approved, by sector, New South Wales | 20 | 43 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Victoria | 20 | 44 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Queensland | 20 | 45 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, South Australia | 20 | 46 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Western Australia | 20 | 47 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Tasmania | 20 | 48 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Northern Territory | 20 | 49 | July 1970 |
Value of building approved, by sector, Australian Capital Territory | 20 | 50 | July 1970 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Australia | 21 | 51 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, New South Wales | 22 | 52 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Victoria | 22 | 53 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Queensland | 22 | 54 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, South Australia | 22 | 55 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Western Australia | 22 | 56 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Tasmania | 22 | 57 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Northern Territory | 22 | 58 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by sector, Australian Capital Territory | 22 | 59 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, New South Wales | na | 60 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, Victoria | na | 61 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, Queensland | na | 62 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, South Australia | na | 63 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, Western Australia | na | 64 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, Tasmania | na | 65 | July 2000 |
Number of non-residential building jobs approved, by value range, Australia | 23 | 66 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, New South Wales | na | 67 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, Victoria | na | 68 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, Queensland | na | 69 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, South Australia | na | 70 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, Western Australia | na | 71 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, Tasmania | na | 72 | July 2000 |
Value of non-residential building approved, by value range, Australia | 23 | 73 | July 2000 |
(a) na not available |
(b) .. not applicable |
 | Publication table no. | Electronic table no. | Start date |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Australia | 24 | 74 | September 1970 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, New South Wales | 25 | 75 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Victoria | 25 | 76 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Queensland | 25 | 77 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, South Australia | 25 | 78 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Western Australia | 25 | 79 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Tasmania | 25 | 80 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Northern Territory | 25 | 81 | September 1985 |
Value of building approved, chain volume measures, Australian Capital Territory | 25 | 82 | September 1985 |
 | SuperTable format | Excel format |
Statistical Local Areas, New South Wales, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 1 | 1 |
Statistical Local Areas, Victoria, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 2 | 2 |
Statistical Local Areas, Queensland, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 3 | 3 |
Statistical Local Areas, South Australia, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 4 | 4 |
Statistical Local Areas, Western Australia, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 5 | 5 |
Statistical Local Areas, Tasmania, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 6 | 6 |
Statistical Local Areas, Northern Territory, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 7 | 7 |
Statistical Local Areas, Australian Capital Territory, 2001-02 to 2010-11 | 8 | 8 |
Number and value ($m) of approvals, states and territories | 9 | na |